Time To Start Tricking

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Hey everyone! I'm currently in class but I wanted to publish this chapter since I finished it in school! Sorry that's short. I hope you all enjoy!

Elizabeth Madness's POV

    'So my "lover" is Rin. Crystal says she isn't that bad but they're all evil so I highly doubt that.' I think to myself. I'm currently at the lounge with Red. I'm drinking coffee and eating a biscuit while he's drinking iced tea and eating a croissant. (Both drinks I dislike greatly) My roommate is named Shelby who is Jess's "lover." Shelby seems ok for now but I don't trust her.

    As Red and I were talking, luck seemed to be on our side and our "lovers" came into the room. They went to the cafe thing and got drinks and pastries. Then, they came and sat with us.

    "What's up newbies?" Barney asks. I never knew he had an accent. I can't distinguish where the accent is from.

"The ceiling," Red and I both say in unison. Red and I look at each other and then start laughing. The other two join us in laughter.

"So are you two good friends or even.... Lovers?" Rin asks teasingly.

Red and I quickly shake our heads, "nope!"

    They start laughing again. "Ok ok. I'll believe you for now," Rin says.

    'Ok..... I think Crystal was right when she said Rin was nice. She's really pretty too... GAH!!! SHUT UP THOUGHTS!!!!' I think to myself as I hit my head.

    Rin, Barney, and Red look at me weirdly. "Sorry, I'm just tired so I'm trying to stay awake," I lie.

    They just nod at my lie but Red doesn't look convinced. We keep talking about our interests until is 02:32 in the afternoon. Barney and Rin say they have a mission they need to go on. Red and I say goodbye to them as they leave.

    "So, why did you actually hit your head this morning?" Red asks me once they're gone.

    I look him in the eyes and then I look to the floor. "I was thinking stuff I should not be thinking," I say. I don't think it came off as I intended it to come off though.

    "You were having dirty thoughts?!" He whisper shouted, bewildered.

    I blush and start shaking my head quickly. "No no no! I meant I was thinking the person I need to trick, Rin, was attractive," I whisper back.

    He looks bewildered as I said that. Then, he looked relieved. "I thought I'd be the only one," he whispers, relieved.

    I look at him in confusion. "I also find the person I'm supposed to be tricking, attractive," he whispers, seeing the confused look on my face.

    "Oh," I say. At least I'm not the only one. "We can never tell the others ok?"

    He nods. If the others found out we would probably be kicked out without second thought. Anyways we need to get over it. We can't be in love with our enemies. It'd be bad for the mission.

???'s POV

    Well well well. What do we have here? Infiltrators. I'll wait for the infiltrators to deceive them and then I shall reveal their true identities. This shall be fun.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm writing the next chapter right now.

Crystal Out!

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