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Guys! I have updated! Are you proud of le me?!

Zachary Graser's POV

    My roommate was some shithead named Benjafuck Crinkler or something like that. It's been like five days of him being here, and I can't even remember his name. Not my fault! He's never around! He's always hanging around Ian. Which is quite surprising, since Ian was quite rude to new people. But I don't really care about them.

    Anyways, I keep seeing this cute girl around though. She has brown hair and eyes with a blue and white long-sleeved shirt, black jeans, and brown boots. There was another girl who had a similar outfit, but had purple hair and red eyes. But she doesn't matter.

    I don't know this mysterious beauty's name, but I want to. I see her hanging around her purple haired twin and the guy with horrible sunglasses. The sunglasses aren't nearly as bad as Ian's but still bad. They usually congregate at the dining room and the cafe. They keep to themselves most of the time, but the purple haired one seems to hang around the stupid queen and shitty glasses hangs around the boss.

    As I walk to the cafe, I'm suddenly tackled to the ground. I switch our positions quickly, so I'm pinning them down. As I process who was under me, shock and embarrassment floods me. Under me, was the beauty herself. Oops.

     I quickly roll off of her and stand up. My face felt hot, probably of embarrassment. Wait... Embarrassed? I never feel embarrassed... I don't even know her name and I'm already feeling things. God what is she doing to me?!

    I give her my hand to help her up. She grabs it and I pull her up, easily. She gives me a small smile and her face was slightly pink.

    "My apologies! I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings!" She apologizes.

    "No problem! Seriously! Um... My name is Zachary Graser!" I introduce. "Where are you headed in such a rush anyways?"

    "I already know your name. However, I doubt you know mine. I'm Stacy Playz. I know my last name is odd. Also I'm meeting with some of my friends!" She answers. Her name was Stacy. Suits her.

    "Yea... Your last name is strange. How about we change it to mine?" I flirt. I do the finger guns and give her a wink.

    Just as her face turns back to its normal color, it becomes slightly pink again. She starts giggling. That's when I knew she liked the pick up line.

    "You think a stupid pick up line will get you a shot with me?" She asks like I was kidding. "It's going to take much more than that to get anywhere with me. I'm not one of those girls who lets boys do whatever to me. Furthermore, you have yet to show me any sophistication and intelligence. Once you do, you still have no shot with me."

    I guess she didn't like the pick up line. I was in shock though. Usually girls would be swooning over me, and trying desperately to get me in bed with them. Is this why I feel attraction towards her? Because she isn't like any of the other girls?

    "This has truly been amusing, but I'm late to my meeting with friends. I hate bad punctuality so I'll see you around some other time. Better luck next time," Stacy tells me.

    She walks away from me. I was still in a state of shock. She didn't take any interest in me? At all? Oh... I have to get her to like me now. At least she said there will be a next time. And next time, I will definitely get her heart!

    I walk to the cafe to meet up with Garbage and crossed-eyed freak. Er... I mean Shelby and Ross! Anyways, I get to the cafe to see them. And of course Ross is covered in blood, as usual. I take a seat at the table and they stop talking to acknowledge me.

    "Ross, could you not have any decency to shower?" I ask him, a smile on my face.

    "I would have, but I want to scare that ginger bitch over there," Ross answers. He points over to a table where a three people are sitting. One of them being the beauty I met earlier, a girl with black hair and a lot of purple clothes, and a boy with ginger hair wearing a lot of black.

    They seem to be talking about something private. How did I come to this conclusion? They are huddled up and whispering.

    "I wonder what they're talking about," I say. "It seems to be secretive conversation."

    "They're talking about Ross!" Shelby answers with that annoying voice of hers.

    "How do you know?" I ask in confusion.

    "Actually quite simple," Ross buts in. "Shelby went up to them and asked. The black haired bimbo told he-"

    Ross gets cut off by Shelby slapping him. "Don't call her that! She is a nice person!" Shelby scolds.

    "Why is everyone falling in love with the new people?! First Nick, now Shelby!" Ross complains.

    I shrug, "I dunno. They don't all seem to special to me."

    "They don't ALL seem special? I think you meant to say, they don't seem all that special." Ross says.

    "No, I meant the first statement," I respond.

    "Oh god!" Ross groans. "Who are you crushing on?!"

    "The brunette over there! And I'm not crushing on her! I just find her unique!" I defend myself.

    Ross rolls his eyes and Shelby giggles. I never heard the end of them for the rest of the day....

Sorry that it's short! I have a writers block and I just wanted to get a chapter done! Have a fantabulous day/night!


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