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I wanted to thank everyone for wishing me a happy birthday and telling me some nice words! I have a special surprise for you all this weekend! Three actually.

First thing is that I will do a Q&A. I'll update on all my books and my wall. You can basically ask me anything and I'll answer. But if I'm not comfortable answering a question because it's too personal, please don't push me to answer. I have a right to privacy too.

Secondly, I will be having a vote. I will update the top three requested books THIS weekend. I promise! Here is the list of books you can choose from.

Experiments For Hybrids

The Legends

Secret Agents

Chilling with Killers

Twisted Minds


My Ask/Dare book for Newscapecrew and Skymedia

And lastly, I will be holding a contest. This contest will range anywhere from drawing, writing, or making edits! You can apply for more than one thing.

Drawing Challenge - Must draw a scene from one of my books. It doesn't have to be a scene from the book. It can be a scene you think will happen in the future. I will be judging on creativity, how well it is drawn, and effort!

Writing Challenge - You must write a short story based off one of my books. It must be one thousand words or more. It can't be a scene, it has to be something you think will happen in the future. I will be judging based off how well you wrote it, grammar, spelling, dialogue, character, and effort.

I can't think of anything else, but if you have some more suggestions of things to do for this context let me know and I'll add it.

1st Place - Gets three short stories about any thing they want. The short stories will be over 1000 words long. Their character will also be added to any book of their choosing. Not for the whole time, but for over two chapters

2nd place - Two short stories about anything they want. The short stories will be over 500 words long. Their character will also be put in any book of their choosing for two-three chapters.

3rd place - One short story over 1000 words long. Their character will not be added to any books, but will be briefly mentioned by one of the characters.

Please tag me if you join the contest. I really hope you do! This contest will end on March 1st. Until next time! Bye!

~Crystal Out! 💜

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