Two Truths and One Lie

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Woop! Chapters! I promise I'll start working on the other two books. I'm just a bit busy because writer's block. I only have inspiration for this book so far. Also it's finally time for one of the villain's POV!

(Same day as last chapter)

Lizzie Landrum's POV

I'm just chilling in my room. My new roommate, Jessica, is somewhere. I don't know where and I don't care. I'm reading some fanfics on Wattpad like a boss. I also have some music blasting from my phone. I'm pretty sure Jess is annoyed with me. It's such a shame that I don't care.

As I'm chilling, someone knocks on the door. I groan in annoyance as I get out of bed. I turn off my music and I open the door to see the girl I talked to through the computer. I think this one's name is Stacy.

"Hi! Is Jess here?" the girl asks. I shake my head 'no.' She nods, "your name is Lizzie, right?"

I nod, "and you're Stacy, right?" I thought I was right but she shakes her head and starts giggling.

"My name is Crystal. I'm the girl you talked through the computer," Crystal says.

'Oh, so her name is Crystal.' I think to myself.

"Wanna come in? We can hang out and get to know each other. We are working together now," I say.

She nods and step out of the doorway and she comes in. I take her to my room and I sit on my bed. She sits next to me.

"So.... What do you wanna do?" Crystal asks.

I shrug, "Wanna play a game?"

She nods excitedly, "let's play Two Truths And A Lie!"

"What's that?" I ask her with a confused look on her face.

"We tell eachother three things. However, one thing said is a lie. The other person has to try to guess the lie," Crystal answers.

I nod, "will you please start?"

She nods happily and thinks of stuff to say. "Ok. 1) I love flowers. 2) White is my favorite color. 3) I like waffles over pancakes," she says.

'I have to guess the lie.... It's obvious she likes flowers because she's wearing a flower crown. It's either her favorite color isn't white or she likes pancakes over waffles. She is wearing white and she seems like a pancake person so let's go with that.'

"The lie is that you like waffles more than pancakes," I say, confidently. She smiles so I assume I got it right.

"Wrong," She says. What... I got it wrong...? "My favorite color is grey."

'Her favorite color isn't white?! I was so close!!!'

"My turn, right?" I ask her. She nods so I go. "1) I kill people. 2) I like reading. And 3) I hate music."

'She won't be able to guess this one.'

"The lie is that you hate music," she says a few seconds later.

'How did she guess it?!'

"How did you guess it?!" I ask her in complete shock.

"You were blasting music before I came in," she answers.

'Oh.... That makes sense...'

"My turn! 1) I have read the Harry Potter series 4 times through. 2) I love anime. And 3) I love reading," she says.

'Well if she loves reading then she must have read the Harry Potter series a few times. That means she must not like anime!'

"The lie is that you love anime," I say.

She smiles again and shakes her head. "I don't like rereading books," She says. "The lie was that I've read the Harry Potter series 4 times. I've only read it once."

'This is going to be a long, fun day,'

*Time Skip thanks to Pancake Narwhals*

    I wave to Crystal as she leaves. It's now 05:48 pm. We've been hanging out and getting to know each other. Jess went with Crystal. I wonder why Crystal needed Jess. Oh well.

    I guess I could go get something from the cafe. I get up from my bed and head to the cafe. When I get to the lounge I see all the new people sitting together drinking and eating. I guess they're all very close. I go to the cafe and grab a chocolate chipped muffin and coffee. I see Nick, Ross, and Shelby all sitting at a table. Since they're all part of the team I'm in, we're the top team, I sit at the table.

    They all stop chatting and wave at me.

    "Hey, Lizzie," Ross greets me. Shelby and Nick go back to talking.

    "What are you all talking about?" I ask Ross.

    "We're talking about the new people. Shelby and Nick got crushes," Ross teases.

    I start laughing as Nick and Shelby stop talking and start blushing bright red.

    "N-No I don't!" Nick says kicking Ross under the table.

    "I-I don't either!" Shelby says.

    Ross and I just laugh at them.

    "They have crushes on some of the new people?" I ask.

    Ross nods while the other two shake their heads in denial.

    "Mind pointing them out?" I ask Ross while smirking. It's always a treat to see Nick and Shelby lose their cool.

    Ross points to my roommate, Jess, "Shelby has a crush on her. Her name is Jessica Odinson." Them, he points to some kid with blonde hair, "Nick has a crush on him. His name is Cory Crater."

    "That's adorable," I say.

    I feel Nick and Shelby kick me under the table. Oh, now they've done it. I kick Shelby under the table before kicking Nick in the place where the sun doesn't shine.

    Nick holds the place in pain and gives me the middle finger. "This is war," is all he says before tackling me.

'This is going to be fun.'

That was my final thought before the fight broke out.

I hope you have enjoyed!

Crystal Out!

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