~Chapter Four~

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Now outside of the lion I take a look at our surroundings. The huge castle in front of us was covered in overgrowth and looked so astonishing with the natural beauty surrounding it.

Lance takes notice of my taking in the environment. He begins to walk towards me and just as he was about to speak the lion stood up and let out an ear ringing roar. Resulting in a girlish scream from Lance and him hiding behind me.

"Guys look the gates are opening." Hunk points out as Lance clears his throat and dusts my shoulders off as I stare at him in disbelief.

We all begin walking towards the gates and enter slowly. The guys seem to form a circle around me and I smile knowing they wanted to protect me.

Pidge notices my smile and winks at me and I shake my head as my face begins to heat up and I focus on what's in front of me.

As we walk down the dark hallway, a wider and more open room appears. We head towards the middle and a blinding light stops us in our tracks.

I lift my arm to my eyes to shield them as a blue beam begins to scan up and down our bodies.

"Where are we? What do you want from us?" Shiro yells out from in front of me, hoping for a response.

As I look down I notice his arm extended in front of me in a protective stance.

When the lights faded away, a hallway was lit by a series of blue flames as if telling us where to go. We all look towards each other then make our way into the hallway.

At the end of the hallway was another open room with strange pod-like things surrounding the center.

"This looks like some kind of control room." Pidge announces and she approaches, what looks like, a control panel.

Suddenly two of the pods began to glow. Smoke began to pour out of one as the glass began to disappear. A woman with long white hair and tanned skin was inside.

"Father!" The woman suddenly screamed out with a gasp.

She began to fall but Lance catches her before she could. She looks up to him and I see a smug grin stretch across his face.

I walk over to Pidge, place my arm on the panel, and set my chin in my hand as I wait for everything to unfold.

"Hello there." He says with a wink and I release a loud sigh.

"Who are you? Where am I?" She asks very flustered.

"I'm Lance, and you're right here in my arms." He says while seductively wiggling his eyebrows, and I facepalm.

"Your ears...what's wrong with them? They're hideous." She remarks and I stifle a laugh.

"Nothing's the matter with them! What's wrong with-" Lance was cut off as she grabs ahold of his ear while spinning him around to put him in like, a head lock?

"Who are you?! Where is King Alfor?! And why are you in my castle?!" She exclaims as Lance struggles in her grip.

"The blue lion robot...thing. It brought us here!" I quickly respond whilst feeling bad for Lance.

"How do you have the blue lion?! Where's it's paladin? Wait....how long has it been?" She says while releasing her grip on Lance.

"We don't know what you're talking about. Maybe if you tells us your name, we could help." Shiro calmly responds and Lance sulks towards Hunk who gives him a comforting hug.

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