~Chapter Twelve~

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     "Well, with all of that aside! I made you all some brain food!" Coran says with a proud stance, and we stare down at the goop in front of us.

     After our training session we all retreated to the kitchen where Coran prepared some....food....for us.

     "Smells good Coran." Shiro says with a smile.

     I'm about to reach for a spoon when something wraps around my wrists, pulling me back. My wrists were now attached to Pidge's and Keith's wrists.

     "Hold the phone!" Lance yells from the other side of Keith and Coran glares at him.

     "There's been a lot of individual work today. You need to work as a team, so welcome to the last bonding exercise of the day." Coran explains with a smirk.

     Hunk tries to grab his utensils but pulls Pidge along with him, and he looks at Coran with a death glare.

     "Coran. I want you to really think about what you are doing." Hunk threatens and I shiver at his tone.

     "Oh this is such a classic! You're going to feed each other, like a pack of Yalmors!" Coran excitedly exclaims and I look back and forth at everyone and sigh.

     "Awe man! If you wanted us to do this, the least you could have done was put me next to (Y/N). I could totally feed her." Lance says while wiggling his eyebrows and I look down at the table and shake my head.

     I then feel my left hand move towards me and open my eyes finding Keith's hand in front of me with a spoonful of goop there. He refuses to look me in the eyes with a red tint to his cheeks. Mine were the same as I slowly take a bit and clean off the spoon.

     "What?! No fair!" Lance yells while pulling Keith away leading me to fall into him and Pidge to dangle from her seat.

     Both Keith and I's face flare up as I lean on his chest then fall back into my seat. Lance angrily glares at Keith and then everyone starts arguing. Yells flung across the table and I sunk back into my chair, remaining silent.

     "Do you earthlings ever stop complaining?!" Allura yells while slamming her hand on the table.

     "Can't you give us a break? Everyone was working really hard today!" Shiro retorts and Keith quickly stands from his chair, launching me forward into the table where I catch myself with my hand before I headbutted it.

     "Yeah! We're not some prisoners for you to toy with...like..." He pauses for a second trying to come up with a good word.

     "Like a bunch of toy prisoners!" Lance butts in and I just....stare....at him.

     "Yes. Thank you Lance..." Keith says in a somewhat sarcastic tone.

     "Don't yell at the princess!" Coran yells while slamming his fist onto the table, scaring me into a fetal position in my chair.

     "Oh the princess of what?! We're the only ones out here and she's no princess to us-" Pidge was cut off as green goo splattered across her face.

     We quickly turn in the direction it came from, finding Allura standing up with her spoon in her hand. Keith angrily yanks me forwards to grab his plate and launch it back at her, but Coran blocked it and sent it right back at us, covering me in goo.

     "Ok! Now it's on!" Hunk yells while slamming his face into a plate of goo, filling his cheeks, then launching it at our Altean hosts.

     They sent some back of course and it never seemed to stop. Everywhere I looked, goo was flying across the table. I was about to speak up and stop them when a huge chunk crashed directly in my face.

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