~Chapter Forty-Four~

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     Shiro's image soon appeared on the screen. "They're here." He says and we all make our way back to our seats as I was still poking at my fresh wound while puffing my cheeks out.

     "I'll clear a path for Keith." He continued as I looked over and watched as Keith's small little pod was heading towards Zarkon's ship.

     The room fell silent once again as we awaited for our opportunity. I began to bounce my leg once again as I played with my silver locks. I then jumped at the feeling of something touching my shoulder. I spin around to find Allura with a bandage in her hands.

     "I'm going to patch you up." She says with a giggle and I release a sigh as my face blushes.

    She quickly applies the bandage and returns to her position on the podium. And the silence befalls us once again. But then moments later, Keith's voice echoed through the com.

     "I'm in." He said and it sounded like he was running.

     "The plan is working. Keith is on board and Zarkon's fleet is on the way." Allura said as we all turned to the screens.

     'This is really it. We're going to beat Zarkon.' I thought to myself as I take a deep breath and turn to look at the other Paladins.

     "The castle's defenses are up and ready to go." Lance stated from his chair as he typed away on the console.

     "Starting gravity generator now." Slav's voice announced through the speakers as the plan began to kick into action.

     "Commencing cloak." Coran said as he pushed a few buttons on his control panel.

     On the screen above Coran, I watched as the huge Teladuv just vanished into thin air with the cloak. It looked as if it was never there to begin with. Then I spun around as I heard Kolivan begin to instruct Keith on where to go, and Allura turned to the rest of us with a determined expression on her face.

     "Paladins. You better get to your lions." She says with a smile and we all nod to her as we jump out of our chairs.

     "All right Princess!" Lance happily exclaimed as we all began to head for the doors.

     I took one final look at Allura who sends me a determined head nod to which I returned to her before placing my helmet on my head. We all quickly made our way to our lions. As I had just gotten into my seat, Shiro's voice called out on the intercom.

     "I'm two minutes out. Is everybody ready?" He asked and his voice seemed kind of strained, since he had been fighting the forces all by himself.

     "No, Keith hasn't made it to the hub yet. We need more time." I heard Kolivan's voice answer through the com as we all had begun to fly into the battlefield.

     "How much more?!" Shiro said with a grunt as if he had been hit.

     "I hope not much because my gravity generator is not going to run forever!" Slav's voice called out in a panic and I looked around to the others while pressing Ghost's handles forward to get to Shiro faster.

     "And I don't know how much longer I can hold Zarkon's fleet in this position by myself!" Shiro added and his lion finally came into view.

     "You won't have to!" Pidge called out as we began to fend off the fighter planes around him.

     "Good timing." Shiro said with a laugh.

     I returned the laugh as I looked around in amazement at the amount of carnage he made out of the many fleets that had come at him.

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