Month 3

22 4 0

     We arrived at Capernaum. I liked the small village right away. The streets were much calmer. Merchants were selling their merchandise but they didn’t look as desperate as the people in the past town.

     The people here were much calmer. As we walked through town, I could see the kids running around, chasing each other, running like there was no tomorrow. The best part was that the laughter they produced was one that would make you forget your worries and make you want to laugh along with them.

     We were walking towards the synagogue; it was a couple minutes walk from the entrance to the town. We were halfway there when a little girl came up to me and asked if there was food I could spare.

The little girl couldn’t be older than eight. She was too skinny for it to be healthy. When I looked at her I could see her hunger deep in her big brown eyes.

     I touched her beautiful black hair and gave her what I had which was two loaves of brad and a couple of grapes we had picked this morning.

     I stood up, surprising myself that I had knelt down to see her at eye level. When I looked to my right and saw Jesus watching me with a look that told me he was proud of me, and what I did.

I looked back down at the little girl and told her to run along and go back to her parents; they must be looking for her. She smiled back up at me and gave me a hug, which I returned. She looked to Jesus and stared at him for a little, I could see in her face she was mesmerized. She blinked and returned the smile he was giving her and left skipping happily with a happiness she did not possess before.

     Jesus and I walked the rest of the way to the synagogue together. The others were waiting for us inside. The synagogue was not very extravagant. It was a square building with four windows that were centered according to the height of the place. The synagogue wasn’t very tall so the windows started around my knees and ended about five feet above my head. The building was a dark beige color, more like a light brown.

     Once we were inside I realized the place was really humble. There were few places where we could sit and a tiny altar at the front. The place didn’t have much to brag about, but it was nice.

     Jesus went inside and motioned for us to sit beside him. After we sat, people started coming inside. Ten minutes later the place was full of people. I could not believe my eyes. There was barely enough space for us to breath.

     Jesus motioned for everyone to sit, and everyone did as he said. Once everyone was sitting I noticed one man who was still standing. I stared at the man but he did not acknowledge me, he just started moving forward towards Jesus. As he got closer I realized the man was not as young as he looked from a far, he was in his mid forties. He was starting to grow gray hair.

     He was moving fast, at a pace that looked like every step he took was out of anger and accusation. Soon he was close enough for me to see he eyes. They looked a little crazed. Looking at the man you could tell he was a nice man, but judging by the look in his eyes there was something terribly wrong with him.

     Soon enough he spoke, “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are – Holy One of God!” Jesus stood with a serious expression. “Be quiet!”

He spoke sternly  “Come out of him!” The thing that happened next scared almost everyone. The man started to shake like he was having and extremely violent seizure and he started to shriek as the demon came out of the man.

     After this happened everyone was amazed and people started to wonder how this came to be. They all stepped even closer and it became more difficult to breath. We left the synagogue soon after. Getting to our cottage for supper and falling asleep after.

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