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Vic's sitting on his bed and I'm sitting on mine. He's looking down while I'm staring at him.

No emotion is fixed on his face but I can tell he's feeling ashamed and regretful.

Nicole just texted him telling him that's she's on her way over. She's coming over for dinner to meet Mama and Papa.

I feel like this entire week of "not dating" has taken a toll on Vic and I's relationship. We hardly get to kiss, or touch, or even talk because we can't date at home and we can't date at school.

Then when we are alone, it's awkward and uncomfortable. We don't even sleep in the same bed anymore.

I can tell the affect it's having on Vic when I'm always hugging Nicole and holding hands. And Alex is constantly tormenting Vic. I hate to see it happen but I can't do anything about it. I just don't want things to go back to the way they were.

All of this is driving me insane. But it's my fault. If I hadn't have told Papa that Vic has a girlfriend then this wouldn't be happening. I have to deal with the consequences.

The doorbell rings through the house and Vic finally looks up at me.

"I'm sorry for dragging us into this mess." I whisper.

Vic frowns and stands up.

"You didn't do anything wrong." he whispers as he climbs on my bed then kisses me passionately.

I kiss back feeling overwhelmed by the feeling of his lips pressed against mine for the first time all week. I take the kiss as an apology on both our behalf.

Suddenly the door opens and my heart leaps to my throat as Vic pulls away from me looking terrified.

"Relax, it's just me." Nicole chirps, walking into the room and closing the door, flicking her long chestnut hair behind her shoulder.

Vic sighs relieved as I feel my heart rate drop. Vic pecks my lips softly one last time before he straightens himself out. I instantly miss his lips and am back to feeling uncomfortable.

"You ready to act straight?" Nicole chirps.

"Been doing it my whole life." Vic mumbles as Nicole takes his hand and then they leave the room together.

I sigh sadly and lean against the wall. I hate Nicole. It's not even her fault that this is happening but I need to blame someone other than myself.

She's not a bad person, she's really not. She's a little bitchy and she's very status driven, plus she's super annoying. But I can't blame her for any of this. She hasn't done anything wrong.

I just hope this ends soon. I need Vic back. Everything feels stupid and pointless without him.

I just sit on my bed listening to them interact with Mama and Papa until I zone out.

I start thinking about what it'd be like if it was me down there instead of Nicole. If Vic was introducing me as his boyfriend instead. Would Mama and Papa approve? They probably wouldn't. Vic seems scared to tell them about his sexuality. Maybe it's for good reason.

But then again, Papa didn't seem to care that I like boys at all. But that might just be because I'm not his biological son.

Will Vic and I ever be able to truly be together? I love Mama and Papa but I love Vic too. I can't live without either one.

I'm brought back go reality by a hand on my knee, startling me from my thoughts. I look up and realize it's Mama.

"Why are you crying Kell?" she asks, softly, sadness across her face.

I give her a confused look but then I feel my face and realize it's wet with tears. I must have worked myself up.

I sniff and shrug.

Mama stands up before she sits next to me on the bed.

"You can talk to me, Kells. I'm always here for you." she whispers.

"Thanks Mama." I whisper back.

She smiles and ruffles my hair.

"Dinner's ready." she says softly.

"What are we having?" I ask feeling hungry.

"Homemade pizza." she smiles making me smile. "Come on, I bet you're hungry."

I nod as she takes my hand and helps me up. We walk hand in hand downstairs into the dining room. Vic and Nicole are sitting rather close to each other and Papa's sitting at the end of the table talking to them.

Mama leads me around the table and we sit next to each other. I notice Vic give me a worried look but I ignore it. I start eating, trying not to listen to Nicole talk because I'm sick of her voice. Being her boyfriend is difficult. No wonder Alex constantly breaks up with her.

I start to realize how much I miss the feeling of Vic holding my hand under the table. Another tear falls down my cheek and Mama places her hand on my shoulder.

"Do you need anything?" she asks and I shake my head.

"No I'm okay." I whisper, wiping the tear from my cheek. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry." she frowns. "Just let me know if there's anything I can do."

I nod and just continue eating.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I see Nicole grab Vic's face and kiss him hard on the mouth. I drop my pizza and grit my teeth as I watch Vic hesitantly kiss her back, shattering my heart.

"I'm not feeling well." I tell Mama. "I'm gonna go to bed."

"Okay, I'll put your food in the fridge." she smiles before she kisses my forehead. "Why don't you go sleep in mine and Victor's bed?"

I nod and get up before rushing out of the room, my heart physically aching in my chest. As I make my way upstairs, I break down. I can't believe he kissed her. He's supposed to only kiss me.

I go down to Mama and Papa's room and climb into their big bed. I can barely breathe and I can't get the image of them together out of my head. It was just a stupid kiss, why does it hurt so bad?

I crawl under the covers and soak Mama's pillow with tears until I fall asleep.

A Whole New World (Kellic) - boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now