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Vic's POV

I wipe another wave of tears from my face. God I'm so sick of crying. I squeeze Teddy tighter in my arms, wishing it was Kellin.

I wonder if Kellin feels as bad as I do right now. I hope not. I hope he's doing okay.

"Vic, come on. Get up, honey." Mama says from the door. This isn't the first time today either. It's probably the thousandth time this week.

"Why?" I sniff. "What's the point?"

"Sweetheart, Kellin wouldn't want you curled up in bed all day wallowing in your misery. Tay's here and we need all the help we can get to figure out how we're going to get him back." She explains.

I sigh and wipe my eyes. I turn away from the wall and look to Kellin's bed. His bed is made neatly like he left it. He didn't sleep in it very often. He always slept next to me. But he liked to sit on it and draw.

I look at his drawings that he had stuck on the wall. He was so happy about us being open with our relationship that he put all the drawings of us up there. He's so talented. And so damn cute.

I look at Mama and she looks worried and stressed.

"He's probably so scared, Mama." I choke out.

"I know." she whispers, looking pained. "The sooner we get him home the better."

I nod and sit up. I guess she's right. He wouldn't want me upset. I should be fighting for him, not laying in bed crying.

I will myself to get out of bed, still carrying Teddy in my hand. I follow her downstairs where I can hear Tay and Papa talking. We go into the living room and Mama sits me down on the sofa. I cant help but to feel sick. This is where Kellin and I were sitting before he was, quite literally, ripped from my arms.

"Hey Sweetie, how are you doing?" Tay asks me but I just stare blankly at her.

She smiles sadly and nods in understanding.

"I saw him yesterday." She says softly and I perk up at that.

"Is he doing okay?" I ask urgently.

"He told me to tell you that he's okay and that he loves you." She says.

"But is he okay?" I stress.

She sighs and looks down at her hands.

"I wish I could tell you that he is, but he's obviously not. He's not himself. He's covered in bruises. He's skinnier. He seems terrified." She admits which just makes my heart ache. "It kind of reminds me of what he was like back when I first picked him up."

I want nothing more than to just hold him and tell him that he's okay and that he's safe.

"He needs to come home." I sniff.

"I know. We'll get him home." She says but she seems doubtful.

"You said he's covered in bruises. Isn't that reason enough to get him removed from the home?" I ask.

"We're looking at a custody battle here. I can report the bruises and he will be pulled from the group home or we can wait it out and put it towards the eventual custody hearing." She says.

"Why do we need to wait? Can't we have the hearing now?" I ask confused.

"We need to build a strong case. Whatever abuse is going on over there might not even be enough to get him pulled from the home, that assuming it is abuse and the bruises weren't accidental or self-inflicted. And if it is abuse, the court still has no reason to grant us custody. We need evidence that he's better off here than anywhere else. They might put him in another foster home and it'll make it harder to go to court the second time around. We need to be smart about this." She explains but I don't like her explanation.

"But he's getting hurt. He can't stay there." I tell her, my voice raising slightly.

"He can handle it, Vic. And if I think he can't, I'll intervene." She says but that's not good enough.

"No! This isn't right. He doesn't deserve this. I want him out of there as soon as possible." I snap, getting teary again. Fuck, why do I keep crying?

"Vic, he wont even talk about it." Tay sighs.

We fall into a thick silence and I wipe the tears that fall down my face. Mama rubs my shoulder gently but it's not helping. I feel like nothing could help. Tay clears her throat so I look back at her.

"He also told me to tell you not to hurt yourself." She says and I smile at that. I almost cant believe he's still thinking of me in these circumstances. But of course he is. He's Kellin. That's what he does. He's the sweetest, most selfless person I've ever known. He's truly something special.

But unlike him, I'm selfish. Maybe wanting him back isn't as selfless as I make it out to be. Maybe I want him back so he can make me feel better. Maybe it's not about him getting hurt. He's like a drug. One hit of him and I feel like I'm on top of the world. I need him here to tell me everything will be alright.

But he's not here and nothing's alright.

My parents discuss with Tay some strategies concerning the custody battle while I mostly zone out. I've been like this all week. I just don't feel completely present. It's as if Kellin took a part of me when he left.

My parents soon leave the room to make coffee and I use my time alone with Tay to my advantage.

"Tay, I need to see him." I tell her and she looks stressed by my statement.

"Vic, you cant. If you get caught, it could jeopardize this whole thing." She says.

I understand, I do. But like I said, I'm selfish.

"But I need to see him. I'm dying without him. Please Tay. He needs me. I need him." I choke out.

She looks at me sympathetically then she sighs.

"He takes the trash out at seven o'clock every night. Don't get caught." She tells me.

I sigh relieved and thank her. I'll go see him as soon as possible but I need to get some stuff together first. In the meantime, I'll put my legal studies textbook to some use and try to find a way to get my boyfriend back home, where he belongs.

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