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Vic's POV

I wake up to shuffling and my eyes crack open. Kellin's searching through his drawers in his underwear, probably for clothes. He looks so damn beautiful.

"Hey," I mumble.

Kellin looks back at me shyly.

He's still very self-conscious and embarrassed of his body, but he's getting more comfortable.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I ask him.

"It's still early." he says.

I frown and reach for my phone. There's still two hours until we have to get up.

"What are you doing up so early?" I yawn, burying my face back into my pillow.

"I had a nightmare." he whispers.

I frown and pat his spot on the bed.

"Come here, baby." I say softly.

He comes over and gets back into bed, still I'm his boxers. I wrap my arms around him and kiss him softly.

"What was it about?" I ask him softly.

"I starved to death." he whispers.

I frown and kiss his nose.

"That will never happen, okay?" I tell him.

"Okay." he whispers back.

I run my fingers down his abdomen. He shivers slightly as my fingers run over his ribs. They're slowly but surely disappearing.

"You're so beautiful." I tell him.

He blushes and snuggles back into my arms.

"Try to get more sleep, baby. We're starting school soon. You need your rest." I tell him.

He nods and closes his eyes.

"I love you, Viccy." he murmurs.

"I love you too, Kells." I smile.

He's asleep within minutes and after just watching him sleep, I follow not long after.

I don't eat much at breakfast that morning. I'm sick with nerves. I have no idea what this new school will be like. What if it's just as bad as my last school?

Kellin on the other hand can barely contain his excitement.

"If you boys have any problems, call us, okay?" Papa says sternly.

"Will do," I mumble.

Mama gives me a sympathetic look and reaches across the table, talking my hand.

"You're going to be fine, Mijo. And if you're not, we'll keep trying until we get it right. There's somewhere out there for you. You just have to find it." Mama explains softly.

"I know, Mama. Thank you." I whisper through a grateful smile.

She squeezes my hand before she finally drops it.

"We should probably go." I tell Kellin, who had seemingly ate his breakfast without swallowing. He must still be bothered by his nightmare.

"You haven't eaten though." he frowns, pointing to my untouched cereal.

"I'm not hungry." I shrug.

He frowns and takes an apple from the fruit bowl in the middle of the table.

"At least take an apple." he says and I chuckle.

I kiss his temple and take the apple from his hand.

A Whole New World (Kellic) - boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now