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Vic and I are sitting in math class waiting for the bell to ring signalling the end of the day.

Vic's tapping to a song on the desk while he hums. He does that a lot now. Ever has since he got his guitar. He plays it all the time and writes song. And I can see that it's making him generally happier.

Between going to therapy regularly, not cutting and the guitar, I can see a big change in him. But it's not enough. Last week, for an entire day, he just laid in bed. He still doesn't really try in class, he still puts himself down and Alex still hassles him. He's got a long way to go.

The bell rings and Vic sighs sounding relieved.

"Before you go, can I please speak with you, Vic?" Ms Jaxon asks.

Vic grumbles under his breath and pulls out his keys.

"Go wait in the car. I'll be there in a sec. Take the back way, just in case." he instructs.

I do what I'm told and go the long way to the parking lot but I stop when I see Nicole and Alex arguing. They seem pretty angry too so I turn back around, go back into the building and go the quick way. I get into Vic's car and wait until I see Alex chasing after Nicole not far from the car, and they're still yelling at each other.

"Come on, Lex. You know you're not ready. You've still go a lot of growing up to do." Nicole exclaims but it's muffled from inside the car.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Alex yells.

"You still beat up the gay kid for being gay! What if our son is gay?" Nicole yells.

"Then I don't want him." Alex says. "But he's not going to be a faggot. We'll raise him right."

"God, you're such an asshole!" Nicole yells and suddenly Alex hits her, right across the face.

My eyes widen, having never seen someone hit a girl before.

Nicole looks upset and hurt but Alex is too angry.

"Go get in the fucking car!" Alex yells. "We'll talk about this later."

Nicole just nods weakly and walks towards a car while Alex walks in the opposite direction. I've never felt sympathetic towards Nicole before but now I really want to give her a hug and make sure she's okay.

I see Vic walking out of the building and soon he gets in the car.

"Viccy, Alex just hit Nicole." I frown.

Vic looks instantly worried.

"Are you sure?" he asks me.

"They were arguing then he hit her." I explain.

"Where is she?" Vic asks quickly.

"In that car." I point towards the distraught looking Nicole.

"I'll be back in a sec." Vic tells me as he gets out of the car.

He goes over to the car Nicole is in and opens the door. He crouches down so he's level with her and he starts talking to her.

After a while, she's taking his hand and getting out of the car. He brings her back over to our car, he opens the door and she gets into the back seat, sniffling.

Vic then gets in the car, starts it and drives off. The whole ride is silent but soon we arrive at our house.

We get out, and Vic helps Nicole out before we go inside. Mama and Papa don't seem to be home, which isn't unusual for them at this time of day.

We go into the living room and Vic sits Nicole down on the sofa.

"You need to leave him, for good." Vic says firmly.

A Whole New World (Kellic) - boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now