Chapter Three

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A week past and Scott expected to see his new friend, waiting with his camera, but the man wasn’t at the field. He asked Coach Payne about the man, and he was only told that the man called off the day before. Scott sighed, and tried to focus, but he knew he'd be off in practice, so he told his coach to put Donny in for the day. He left the field and headed to a café shop down the street. He ordered some espresso drink and a waffle sandwich, before sitting down and getting on his phone. Across the way, he saw the man he wanted to see, rocking hair, back to the dark brown the blond loved, a T-shirt, sweat pants and a beanie, typing something on the computer. Scott didn’t know what to say, so he just walked out, going back to the frat house he lived in. He walked past the men setting up another party, going straight to his room. He was about to start throwing things around when his friend, Ally, busted into the room.

“Why the hell aren’t you at practice?” she whined, sitting down next to the moping man. “Oh my God! Did you finally find a man or something?”

“No,” Scott sighed. “I just wasn’t feeling well today. I decided to come back to my room.”

“We both know that is obvious bullshit right there,” she shook her head. “Since you decided to skip practice, you’re coming to the bowling alley with me, you WILL have fun, and I will not take no as an answer. Get dressed in something decent so we can go.”

“I hate you sometimes,” he teased, her sticking her tongue out as he got dressed in something Ally approved. “You better be buying me a drink and some wings while we are there. I will be mad if you don’t.”

“I was planning on it anyways,” she shrugged as they went out to the car. “So why are you really upset? Still scared of coming out?”

“I am even more now,” he looked down at his feet. “That photographer just made me saw a new side of him and I just want to hold him, protect him, and show him off as mine. I am just scared for what happens when I do come out.”

“Want me to be your girlfriend?” she asked, him looking at her like she was crazy. “I won’t really be your girlfriend. I will just pretend to be until you’re comfortable with coming out. My wife is across the country, literally no one knows me here but you, and I am sure Mari would be totally okay with it.”

“You don’t have to do that,” he shook his head.

“I want to, Bro,” she argued. “Just give in and we can go.”

“Fine,” he obliged, her turning on the car and driving to the bowling alley. They both walked in, going straight to the bowling store where they had a ball waiting for both of them. They picked up their stuff from the store, going straight to the bar. After enjoying food and a couple drinks, they headed back to the front desk paying for three games each. All of the lanes were full, so they sat down, ordering another drink as they waited for their lanes. Suddenly, down the way, he saw the Italian man with a man, the man cheering Mitch on when he got a strike. He didn’t want to talk to mitch, but somehow, he managed to walk over to him as the other man was up to bowl.

“Oh hey, Scott!” Mitch smile, but it faded when he saw how annoyed Scott was. “What’s wrong? Did I do something.”

“Oh no!” Scott answered passive aggressively. “I just haven’t heard from you since you suddenly changed your mind about wanting to hang out with me.”

“I didn’t want you to see me while I was emotional,” Mitch admitted. “I haven’t been myself all week, and I just didn’t want you to see me like that.”

“Well I see you’re better now,”  Scott sighed, “since you’re out bowling with your friend.”

“He’s my bowling partner in the leagues I am in,” Mitch explained, obviously annoyed. “I don’t understand why you’re so fucking mad at me. I thought out of all people, you’d understand. I guess I was wrong.  Check your email. You’re now completely caught up, and ahead, for the next two semesters. Have fun with YOUR friend, because I am here with mine.”

“I… Okay…” Scott stuttered, walking back over to Ally. “I fucked up… I got jealous and fucked up. I now think he hates me. He definitely hates me.”

“He doesn’t hat you, Scotty,” Ally reassured. “You just came off as a royal asshole. You need to prove to him that you aren’t an asshole. Go over and apologize. If he is still upset, leave him be for a while, then prove to him you’re a nice person like I know you are.”

“I don’t know if I am ready for this,” Scott sighed, “I don’t know if I am ready to even admit it to myself that I really like a man.”

“You got over the like stage more than a year ago,” Ally shook her head. “Just admit you’re in love with the man. He obviously has feelings for you. He is just as scared as you are to make a move.”

“Are you sure this is the right thing to do?” he raised an eyebrow nervously.

“I am 100% positive you should do this,” Ally pushed.

“Okay I will go talk to him,” Scott gave in, going back over to the older man, Mitch looking annoyed still.

“Did you come over to judge me again?” Mitch spat, taking a sip of whatever he was drinking.

“I came to apologize,” Scott smiled awkwardly, Mitch’s face changing. “I get it. You wanted time to yourself, and I get it. That is me all the time. I tried to do that today but my friend talked me out of it. I don’t want you to think I am an asshole. I'm not as mean as I let off. I am just so used to people leaving quicker than they come in. You’re an incredible person and I don’t want to lose you so I was pushing you away.”

“How do I know you’re not bullshitting me?” Mitch asked skeptically.

“My friend over there is ready to help us hide until I am ready to officially come out,” Scott stuttered out. “I want to prove I am serious. Let me take you out on a real date on Friday. We will come back here for neon night. We can drink, sing, bowl, and have a lot of fun. I want to show you I am a good guy.”

“There’s no such thing as a good guy,” Mitch shook his head. “That means there’s a perfect guy out there. If I could make one, I would.”

“I see…” Scott sighed beginning to walk away.

“That wasn’t a no, Hoying,” Mitch called, making the blond turn back around. “Imperfection means improvement. Perfect would get boring after a while. I would love to go out with you on Friday.”

“Okay, great,” Scott smiled, walking back over to his friend.

“You and Mister Photography make up?” she smirked.

“We are going out on Friday,” Scott nodded with a huge smile, the two beginning their first bowling game of the night.

Keep Me Coming: Book One of the KMC SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now