Chapter Nineteen

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Mitch woke up in the morning, and he felt the aftermath of the night before. The marijuana did nothing, but his ass sure hurt, feeling like it was worth it. He still felt the pleasure he was put in, but it faded when he saw that he was alone. He looked around and saw that the blond was nowhere to be found. He saw that the table was gone, and he felt stupid and completely alone. He got up and made his legs work long enough to get dressed and walk out to the main area where Kirstie and Scott were asleep. Mitch’s heart instantly warmed as he looked how peaceful both of them looked. He found no trace of Dan, so he walked to the bedroom to grab his phone. He ordered some chipotle and Starbucks off of some delivery app, for all three of them. He got on his laptop and began looking for something he could get Scott when he found a custom initial locket.

When he saw that he could put a picture in the locket, he began to look through every photo he had taken since he was assigned to Scott. As he was going through the photos, he felt himself melting from the nostalgia. He kept looking through, eventually making it to the pictures from the night before. Then he found his favorite picture, adding one in the cart for himself. Then, he thought of the shots that Mariela had taken of him. He found a picture from the day he met Scott, adding the locket for his lover. He kept looking through the site, finding a blanket and adding one with a picture of Scott’s jersey, along with one of another Scott picture for him.

He kept scrolling through, adding more items for a nice date he was planning. He thought he was done when he found a “gay” engraving custom promise rings. Thinking about what Scott liked, and Heathers came to mind. He got one that said “our love is god” and one that said, “let’s make this beautiful”. In the actual rainbow, one said JD and one said Veronica, it getting added to the already big cart. He ordered them, with same day shipping before switching to another site. Before he could start browsing, he heard a knock on the door. He let the postmate in and had him put everything on the counter, before letting her go with a cash tip of fifty dollars. He starts to separate everything when Scott and Kirstie begin to stir.

“Do I smell some Chipotle?” Scott asked, his voice deep with sleep.

“Chipotle and Starbucks,” Mitch answered with a nod. “I don’t know what Kirstie likes, so I had to guess on hers.”

“I will eat and drink anything from those two places, Girl,” Kirstie joked excitedly. “I would pick Chipotle over sex any day.”

“I wouldn’t,” Mitch shrugged, looking over at his boyfriend. “If it is as good as last night, I would definitely pick the sex.”

“I guess I will have to get a Scott in my life, then,” she teased.

“Maybe you’d rather a Scarlet instead,” Scott suggested. “Hetero sex is so boring. Go for someone your gender. Guys know what guys like and girls know what a girl likes.”

“I haven’t come out to anyone but you and my parents,” she sighed. “I am not ready for the judgment…”

“You know Mitch and I will kick their asses if they ever tried something,” Scott smiled. “You have nothing to worry about.”

“I am sure Marcela and Ally would help you out,” Mitch added. “They will know where to go.”

“Thanks, guys,” Kirstie sighed.

“Now I would eat with you guys,” he grabbed his meal and drink, “but I am doing some research, and I would like to go back to it.”

“Have fun then,” Scott waved, Mitch going back to the bedroom.

Mitch took everything to the desk and opened his lunch, getting back on the website he was on. He bought over twenty things from that website, same day shipping yet again. He got on an app to leave a romantic picnic basket at your door. He ordered a few more things before getting everything together. He explained the need to run home, giving his lover a kiss, before heading out the door. He walked back to his house, being greeted by his housekeeper.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Grassi,” she smiled. “I thought you wouldn’t be home for a few days.”

“I am planning a huge date for Scott,” he explained. “I just stopped here to watch for a lot of packages. I have to run some errands, and I will be back to pick things up.”

“You need to spoil that man tonight, Sir,” she smiled. “I follow him on social media, and it seems like he’s been through a lot. Make him feel as special as he really is.”

“I most definitely will,” he smiled, leaving to head over to his personal stylist’s house, walking in like he owned the place.

“Mitch fucking Grassi,” Victoria, his stylist, greeted. “What do I have to do for you?”

“So the football player I photograph is now my boyfriend,” he explained, “and I am trying to plan out a huge date for him. I have his measurements and I want you to make him an outfit. Make him look as expensive as you can. Then I want a full queen look, all Balenciaga. I stopped by to tell you, because I have to set everything up. Think you can do it in an hour?”

“Of course I can,” she smiled. “You go set up that date.”

“You’re the best, Love,” he returned the smile, leaving to set everything up.
“I thought he’d be back by now,” Scott sighed. “What if he changed his mind about me? What if I hurt him too much? What if I never see him again?”

“He loves you way too much to change his mind, Scooter,” Kirstie reassured. “Maybe he picked up a client and got caught up.”

“I guess you’re right,” he sighed as he got a call.

“Hi, this is Victoria Knight. I am one of Mitch’s good friends.”
“Is there something wrong?”
“Oh no! He had me call you to come to my house.”
“May I ask why?”
“He says it’s a surprise. My house is the mansion next to his house.”
“When you arrive, do not ask questions. Just let them change you and do your hair. It has been paid for by Mitch.”
“I will be there soon.”

Scott explained everything to Kirstie before leaving, walking to the house. He walked in, instantly being pulled into a room. They began to strip him down, spraying him with the cologne. They began to dress him up in clothes that looked more expensive than his life savings. He didn’t understand why he was being dressed that way, but he was. They fixed his hair and he looked in the mirror, not recognizing himself.

“Hey Scotty,” he heard his lover call out, him turning around and falling in love even more.

Keep Me Coming: Book One of the KMC SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now