Chapter Twenty Two

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Three weeks passed, and there was no sign of Scott anywhere. He moved out and told no one where he was. He cut off his phone so no one could call, or trace him. No one even knew why he disappeared; nobody but Mitch. Mitch knew why he disappeared, but he was scared that it was more than just disappear this time. Everyone tried to find him, they really did, but no one seemed to be successful. A very strong depression came over the Italian as he slowly began to give up on ever finding the love he messed up himself.

He constantly asked around, trying to find Scott, but literally no one knew where he was, that is, until he found out that people were lying. He overheard a conversation between Mariela and Ally that Ally knew where he was all along. He heard her say that he only told her and Kirstie because he didn’t want Mitch looking for him, or even try to contact him. The anger and regret took over the brunet’s body, and he found himself avoiding everyone that would make the guilt even worse. That was going good until he was invited to a party to celebrate his and Mariela’s birthday.

He was told that the theme was black and white genderswap

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He was told that the theme was black and white genderswap. The “girls” had to wear black and the “boys” had to wear white, so there Mitch was in head to toe black, getting ready for a party he didn’t really want to go to. He looked at himself in the mirror one more time before leaving the house, going to the house that Mariela had just bought. He walked into the house, and it looked like the stereotypical rich person party, with expensive décor, extravagant hors d’oeuvres, and forty year old wine next to real Parisian champagne. Classical music played through the home as he walked through, trying to find his sister.

“Mitchie!” Mariela called out as her brother walked up to him. “I am so happy you came. I didn’t know you would, because you’re really distant with us now.”

“I have a lot on my mind,” Mitch admitted, picking up a glass of grapefruit champagne. “I really fucked up this time and I don’t really know what I am supposed to do now. No one seems to know where he is, and I just want to know where he is so I know he is okay.”

“I have known Scott for quite a while now,” she smiled. “I know for a fact that he will come back on his own time. I think that if you were to find him, and go to him, it would just make things worse. You hurt him so badly, and it’s not a good thing at all. He is already an emotional man, if he sees you in this moment, it may cause another episode, and we both know you don’t want that, Mitchie. I am sure he will be okay.”

“So that’s why you haven’t told me where he is?” he asked confrontationally as she looked at him with a confused look. “I overheard you and Ally talking. I know she knows where he is, and I know, for a fact, that she wouldn’t keep that big of a secret from her wife.”

“She told me she knows where he is,” she admitted, “but she definitely did not tell me where, which is very smart of her. She knows that I would turn around and tell you, because I can’t keep anything from you. Look, you can trust me when I say that I would tell you if I knew where he was. I don’t like seeing you this concerned, and I would stop it if I tried.”

“Stop what?” Ally asked, walking up to the twins.

“He overheard us talking about Scott,” Marcela explains, Ally’s eyes going wide. “He thought his twin was keeping something from him.”
“I didn’t tell her because I knew she would tell you. Don’t blame her, okay? Scott literally begged me to not tell anyone where he went. He told me to let him be alone for a couple weeks and then tell you.”

“Well it’s been a couple of week, Ally,” Mitch spat. “Just please tell me where he is.”

“If you go to him before he’s ready,” she explained. “It will make things worse than they are. Please promise me you will not go to him and let him come back on his own time. I swear if you make things fucking worse, I will make sure your life is as much of a living hell as I can while still being married to your sister. I am sure Mari will let me too, Buddy. Promise me you will not go after him.”

“I promise I won’t go after him,” he promised honestly. “I just want to know he’s safe.”

“He admitted himself back into the hospital,” she admitted, his heart dropping. “The morning after everything happened, his sister passed away too. He felt the episode coming up at the funeral, so he left early and admitted himself. He told me he would come back when he thinks he is ready. Please let him be ready before you talk to him. Just know that he is safe and very much okay. He’s with Noah and Olivia, so he’s content.”

“Who are they?” Mitch asked curiously.

“Olivia was his neighbor when he was in last time,” she explained, “and Noah is her boyfriend that moved into Scott’s room when he left. Now he shares the room with Noah because they get along so well. He is in good hands, Mitch. He really is. He is safe and comfortable, and he will be back when he wants to be.”

“I always seem to mess up everything,” Mitch sighed. “I knew he was a sensitive man. I knew how he would react. I made a promise and broke it. I wish I had the chance to explain things to him. I didn’t want to sleep with those guys… I didn’t have a choice. The first time, it was a drunken mistake, then those three men used that against me and made me do it. They told me they’d hurt him. They told me he wasn’t safe. I just wish I could tell him I didn’t want to do it. I just wish I could tell him that I just wanted to keep him safe. I want to tell him that if I didn’t want to protect him, I would’ve never done it. I love him. I love him so much that my body is aching thinking about how bad things could’ve been. I literally cry every night, praying that God would let Scotty know how much I love him and miss him and wish that nothing ever happened. I pray every morning that I can see his face, hear his voice, smell his scent of lavender vanilla and musk, and feel his subtle touch that drives me crazy. I miss him so much and I just wish I had a chance to just tell him all of this.”

“You just did,” he hear a familiar voice say, him turning around to see the blond he’d been praying to see again.

Keep Me Coming: Book One of the KMC SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now