Chapter Ten

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The he rest of the day flew by, and Scott hadn't even talked to Ally in that entire time. He just sat alone in his bedroom, the door locked, pajamas on and reading Pride and Prejudice for the first time since he was twelve. Reading that book led to ready five or six more classics; he lost count after the third. Once he was finished the last book in his bag, he decided to go get more books and a bookshelf. He grabbed a shower, shaving the stubble off of his face and trimming his own hair. He threw on a panda hoodie, a snapback, jeans, and Converses on, grabbing Dan's sunglasses and earbuds. He belted up his jeans, grabbing the galaxy backpack, which he hadn't used for two years, and heading out to the car. He drove to the Barnes and Noble on campus and started looking around.

"Scott!" Kirstie waved, looking completely different than the last time he saw her

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"Scott!" Kirstie waved, looking completely different than the last time he saw her. "How have you been? I haven't seen much of you."

"I have been through a lot the past couple weeks," Scott admitted. "I stepped down from the football team. I just don't feel it anymore. You look completely different than you did two weeks ago."

"Let me tell you what happened after you left," she squealed, the two of them sitting down. "I left the party and went to the hospital to visit my brother, and I started having a paralyzing pain in my stomach. They check me out, and it turned out I was seven months pregnant and already in labor. So now I have a daughter named Rebecca. She's still in the hospital from being so premature. I decided, when I was allowed to go home, that I wanted to be normal again. I changed my hair color, took off the henna tattoos all over my body, and took out a few of the piercings."

"Is she mine?" he asked, hoping for a yes as the answer.

"I am pretty certain that you are," she answered. "I am visiting her today, so you can come with me. Their DNA tests take about two hours, if you're willing."

"I will still be her dad if it comes back negative," he beamed. "Hell, I will start playing football to help provide for you two if you'd want me to."

"As long as you aren't miserable doing it," she smiled with a blush.

"How about this?" he suggested. "I have some spending to do. I will finish my shopping, go talk to Coach Payne, and meet you at the hospital. Okay?"

"Sounds great," she nodded. "I guess I will leave you to your shopping. I will see you in a couple hours, Scotty."

"Bye, Kitty," he waved, them both going their separate ways.

He went straight to the classics sections, picking at least twelve of them before going to another section. His sister recommended a couple erotic authors, and a romance novel called After, so he picked up ever Christina Lauren, Maya Banks, Shayla black, and Anna Todd book he could get, heading to the kids section where the parenting books were. He picked up a few of those, looking around for other books that had been recommended. After picking up almost 200 books, he stopped in the music and movies, picking up over 50 of those too. When he was ready to go, he checked out and packed them into his car, taking them back to the apartment, putting them into the spare room. Once everything was in, he called the apartment complex.

"Riverside Way Apartments. This is Jade speaking."

"Hey, this is Scott Hoying."

"Oh hello, Mr. Hoying. What do you need?"

"I believe I am interested in the apartment upgrade. I just found out I am a father, so I am moving my daughter and her mother in."

"How wonderful! Well come on to the office, and we will switch the lease for you. You will have a month to move out of the one you're in."

"I will let my roommate know once I come down."

"I will see you in a little bit, then.

"Thank you, Jade."

"No problem. Goodbye."

"Goodbye, Ma'am."

He hung up and headed straight down to the office, switching the lease over for a bigger apartment at the same price it was. He added Kirstie and Scarlet to the lease, getting the keys and access to a mover instantly. He had the movers move his stuff, taking one of the two biggest rooms, reserving the other one for Kirstie and the baby. Once his stuff was moved, he paid the movers to go find a desk, desk chair, bookshelf, and other items, to match his room, and moved his books, music, and movies in once everything was put in place. Scott sent a message to Dan about the move, along with the reason, and headed out to the football field. Mitch was shockingly there, taking pictures, obviously had gotten his job back. He avoided the photographer and went straight to the coach's office where Coach Payne was waiting for him.

"So you're ready to come back?" Jon, or Coach Payne, spoke up as the blond sat down. "What made you come back so early?"

"I found out I was a dad today," Scott explained, "and playing football once a week pays well enough to raise a kid."

"That is very sure," Jon nodded. "The whole team misses you, Hoying. Mikey is good at football, but he ain't a quarterback. We definitely wouldn't have gotten a championship without you."

"I have one requirement," Scott brought up. "My daughter is premature, and if I need to stay home, I will. So you'll need to start finding a second quarterback in case I am not available. I think I know someone. He started this year, and he was the quarterback when I had to sit out. He is just as great as I am. I will bring him in next practice, if that's okay with you."

"If you say he's good, then he must be," Jon shrugged. "Bring him in tomorrow and I will test him myself. Then, if he is as great as you say he is, we can get him practicing at the next practice."

"Great, then," Scott shook the Coach's hand, heading back out on the field, sitting down and looking out at the field. He only looked away when he heard the snap of a picture, seeing Mitch standing there with his camera.

"You look good being back on this field," Mitch sighed. "I feel like even the stadium misses you. I know I sure did."

"Don't think that I am avoiding you when I say this," Scott looked at the other man, "but I honestly have to go. I just sat down to breathe a little."

"Where are you going?" Mitch asked curiously. "Are you still going to that party tonight?"

"No," Scott shook his head. "There has been a sudden change of plans. That girl I was with, at that one party, knew I was gay. We have been trying, since high school, to make a child, and she apparently went into labor that night. She's taking me to meet my daughter for the first time."

"That is great news," Mitch squeaked out, faking a smile. "I don't want to keep you waiting. Your baby needs you."

"How about all of us go bowling on Saturday?" Scott suggested. "I may have to cancel if something comes up with Rebecca, but I wouldn't mind having a night out."

"Just let me know," Mitch nodded, walking away to take more pictures. Scott smiled and walked out of the stadium, going to his car, driving to the hospital.

Keep Me Coming: Book One of the KMC SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now