Chapter Fourteen

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The night ended early when Mariela was called into work, so they shut everything down Dan and Kirstie had already left, and Ally decided to stay and stock up on the wings and fries. Mitch continued to bowl, Scott eventually joining in. Scott and Mitch kept playing, and they both forgot everything that happened around them. It was just them, like it was meant to be. Scott kept trying to mess Mitch up, so Mitch got a bit of payback, and it was the most fun either of them had ever had. They were only snapped back to reality when they heard the baby begin to fuss for another bottle.

“You want to learn how to feed her?” Scott asked, the boy silently nodding. “I will warm it and you can feed her.”

“Where did Kirstie go?” Mitch raised an eyebrow curiously.

“Her and Dan decided to hit up the 24/7 mall down the street from my real house,” Scott shrugged. “I guess they’re both addicted to shopping. I told Kirstie to do it. She hasn’t gone out in a while, so I told her to go enjoy herself.”

“And how are you and Dan doing?” Mitch continued as Scott put the second half of the bottle in the warmer.

“He’s a pretty cool guy,” Scott admitted. “He is very intriguing, and his editing skills are incredible. He will definitely be a multimillion filmmaker someday. His ideas are great. He told me about a film idea he was going to enter in a film competition. It’s about a girl from the 1800s who is granted the ability to come back in a new life, in a different decade, when she dies. She ends up waking up in modern day and falls in love with a guy who turns out to be her great grandson from another life. He wants to call it Forever Young, and I can’t wait to see if he wins.”

“He sounds perfect for you,” Mitch faked a smile as Scott picked Becca up, putting her in the Italian’s arms. “He seems so cool and funny and talented. Don’t forget that he is a beautiful man too.”

“That doesn’t matter right now, Mitch,” Scott shook his head, handing Mitch the bottle. “Don’t force her to eat, she will take the bottle on her own time. Just lightly slide it back and forth against her lips. She will latch on, so slightly tip it so she can sing. She will be okay with just this half. She loves it when you hum to her while she drinks. It makes her feel safe. I normally go for Baby Mine from Dumbo, only because it’s my favorite.”

“You learned all of this in a week?” Mitch teased, making the other man laugh.

“I just did what I remember my mom doing when I was little,” Scott shrugged. “I just took a guess on how to parent, and it worked. She loves it.”

“I guess I can’t argue with that,” Mitch gave in, placing the bottle at the baby’s lips.

Scott watched as Mitch did exactly as he was told, and it made the blonde’s heart skip a beat. He didn’t know what it was, whether it was seeing how gentle Mitch was with Becca or if he realized just how in love with the man he truly was. He just let the man do everything on his own, occasionally telling him to hold her up a couple times through the feeding. He told Mitch a step by step on how to burp and change her, and Mitch did everything he was instructed. Pretty soon, Becca was in her car seat, asleep, and the two men were left to talk yet again.

“You're right about Dan,” Scott spoke first. “He is funny, talented, and hot as hell. The thing is, though, so are you. You made me look good when I thought it wasn’t possible. That took a hell of a lot of talent to do. He may have beat you in bowling, and he's incredible, but you have a couple things that he doesn’t have. You have my heart… and you are ten times better at sex. Another you thing you have that he doesn’t; an undeniably incredible fucking voice. When you sang with me that night, it gave me just one more thing that I could just love about voice have been wanting to sing with you since then.”

“I heard you talking about needing a countertenor for your songs?” Mitch brought up. “I could possibly do that for you.”

“You will have to sing both live at one point in time,” Scott warned. “You will have to get over your stage fright really quickly, because one of them is for a competition. There will be a lot more people there than when we sang in the bar. You helped me find my voice. Let me help you find yours.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice,” Mitch smiled. “I've heard some of your originals from high school. I can’t wait to hear what you have now.”

“Since I am in the middle of moving into my brand new apartment,” Scott suggested, “maybe we can go to your place and I will show you what I have. Maybe you can write your own vocals in since you know your voice better than anyone else. I will credit you when I present it officially. I have to present one song tomorrow; my rough copy anyways. I have another week to get the whole thing recorded.”

“I can watch Becca until you’re done recording your rough copy,” Mitch shrugged. “After that, you can show me who you have done, and I will start figuring my part out.”

Scott nodded and they packed up everything, and Scott followed Mitch to his house. Scott forgot how small the house was, compared to the man’s typical wardrobe, but still grabbed Becca, and his bag, out of his car, following the other man inside. Mitch showed Scott to the basement, something different in each corner. There was a photography studio, a recording studio, a family area, and a hair, makeup, and wardrobe corner. Scott was shocked at the size of the basement, compared to the rest the house. He was even more surprised when he found out the basement had a basement in it, but the Italian said that it was for another day. Scott shrugged and hooked up his laptop to the studio. Nerves completely took over him as he played the instrumentals for the song that the two of them would sing on.

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