Chapter Eleven

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Scott sat in the parking garage of the hospital, nerves completely taking over his body. He always wanted to be a dad, and that was obvious, but he didn't expect it. He didn't expect her to say that she didn't know she was pregnant until she was giving birth. He was scared that he would hurt the premature baby, being so big. Anxieties swarmed around in his head, making him nervous to even get out of the car. He closed his eyes, breathed, and got out of the car, heading into the hospital, going where Kirstie told him to. He let the nurse swab his mouth for DNA, heading to the food court to meet up with his friend.

"You actually made it!" Kirstie beamed, sitting at a table with her mom. "There ARE still some great men out there. Too bad you're gay as hell, I would swoop you up straight away."

"If I was into girls, you'd be my type," Scott returned, sitting down. "So I will get a call when the results are in. By the way, Hi Angelica. How is Tyler?"

"He is an angel as always," Angelica answered. "He misses his brother coming around all the time. He is waiting for a visit."

"Well bring him up the next time you visit Rebecca," he suggested. "I still thank you so much for taking him in. I didn't want him to have the childhood I did. I am forever grateful."

"I am sure Connie would do the same for me," she smiled. "I am just so happy you and Kirstie are still friends like your mom and I are. It warms my heart, and now I am a grandma and I couldn't ask for a better father. Connie surely raised you right."

"May I steal your daughter while we wait for the results?" he asked. "I have someone to visit, and I want Kitty to meet him too."

"I will just meet you two back here," she nodded. "I will run home and pick Tyler up and bring him back. Just call when you're heading up to visit her. I will come then."

"Great," Scott finalized, grabbing Kirstie and directing her through an eerily dark tunnel, into another part of the hospital.

"Hello," the receptionist greeted. "May I ask who you're here to visit?"

"My name is Scott Hoying," Scott introduced. "I lived here for almost two years. I just decided to come and visit the people that pushed me to better myself. Also, I would like to visit Olivia Sui. She was my neighbor and friend while I was here."

"You must know the drill, then," she nodded, him taking his and Kirstie's belongings, handing them over.

"I am expecting a call from the other building in about an hour and a half," Scott sighed. "Can you please answer the call and call up with the results, please?"

"Of course, Mr. Hoying," she responded, handing him and Kirstie name tags. The two headed up to the sixth floor, instantly being greeted by a Japanese looking woman.

"Scott!" she squealed out, grabbing him into a hug. "You look so good now. How have you been?"

"I could be better," he admitted, "but I could be worse. The PTSD is still kicking my ass, but I have learned how to control it. I actually came to see Olivia. I finally have the time to visit."

"She will definitely love to see you," she smiled. "She is actually in a group right now. It'll be about ten minutes. Until then, go on and grab something from the vending machine, grab a notebook, or even play the piano if you'd like."

"I am just going to show Kirstie around for a bit," he shook his head, "but I will definitely have to play a little piano before I leave. Thanks, Mari."

"No problem, Scotty," she nodded, walking away as Scott showed Kirstie around, ending the tour at his old room, now labeled as 'Noah'. He knocked and walked in when he heard a "come in!"

"Um hi," Scott greeted after opening the door, a pink haired boy laying on the bed. "I am sorry if I am intruding. I am Scott. I'm the one that lived in this room before you, and I was showing my friend."

"So you're Scott!" Noah smiled. "Olivia told me so much about you. I am happy you were able to get out of here. I'm like Olivia, so I will probably be here for the rest of my life."

"I am sorry to hear about that," Scott sighed apologetically.

"I have a girlfriend and access to everything I like to do," Noah shrugged. "They treat me like a tenant, not a patient. Everyone here is like family to me. What more can I possibly ask for?"

"Is Olivia your girlfriend?" Scott asked, Noah blushing and nodding. "Olivia is a real keeper. You better not ever hurt her. She's far too sweet and has been through enough betrayal and heartbreak. Keep her safe, okay?"

"You don't have to worry about me, Scott," Noah shook his head. "I am not going anywhere. I am definitely here to stay. I love her far too much to do anything like that. Would like to go out to the main area? I want to grab a snack or two."

"I wanted to play some piano for the patients anyways," Scott shrugged, following the boy out the door to the main area, Kirstie sitting with Noah as Scott went over to the piano.

Memories flooded back as he slid his fingers across the keys of the familiar piano. He closed his eyes and just let his fingers do the playing. He hummed to the original tune, singing words in his head as the notes came from the piano. He thought about Mitch and lyrics intruded his mind as he found the song that he had been trying to find for years. He was only snapped out of his trance when he felt small arms around him, the familiar smell of ginger and oranges filling his nostrils, indicating it was his old friend.

"Scotty!" she squealed, Scott turned around to hug her back. "I haven't seen you in almost two years. What brought you back?"

"I missed my from my two year family," he explained. "I promise I am gonna start visiting regularly. How is every Tuesday?"

"That sounds great!" she bounced. "Who is that with Noah?"

"That's my friend Kirstie," he answered. "Her mom is the one that adopted my brother to get him out of my house. He got to have the childhood I didn't. We finally had that kid we had been working for, and we are waiting for the DNA test to get back, just to be sure. I was here so we decided to visit."

"Scott!" Mari called out, shaking the phone. "This is for you."

"Okay," Scott nodded confused, Kirstie walking over with him as he answered the phone. "Hello? Hi... This is him... They're already in?... Oh okay... oh alright... what?... that's strange... so... no I thought... I... thanks for letting me know... Okay... okay... alright... yes ma'am... thank you again.... No I don't need to know anything more.. Okay... Alright... you too.. Goodbye."

"What did they say?" Kirstie asked, her nerves high from seeing his face drop as the call came to an end.

Keep Me Coming: Book One of the KMC SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now