Chapter Twelve

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“Rebecca is my child,” Scott answered with a half smile. “There’s a 0% chance that she isn’t. She is definitely my daughter.”

“Then why don’t you seem happy?” Kirstie asked, obviously confused.

“You know how my sister needs a kidney transplant?” Scott explained, the Latina nodding. “It came back that I am not compatible. It turns out paternally, we are cousins. The guy that tried to kill me, he’s not my dad. His brother Rick is. Now I can’t save my sister because we don’t have the same fucking father. No wonder he hated my guts… Now I want to meet my real dad.

“We can go visit Becca and then we will try and track him down,” Kirstie suggested. “We will come back here tomorrow, when you’re not so… angry. Please come with me.”

“Let me go say goodbye,” Scott gave in, walking back over to the happy couple. “I have to go a little earlier than expected, so I came to say bye. I promise I will come back up tomorrow, okay?”

“I understand,” Olivia hugged Scott tightly. “It was just great to see you again. I will see you tomorrow.”

“Keep her safe,” Scott scolded the younger man.

“I promise I will,” Noah nodded firmly. “It was nice to meet you.”

“And it was nice to meet you,” Scott returned, going back downstairs with Kirstie and grabbing their belongings. “I can’t believe uncle Rick is my real dad… I had to suffer because she kept that secret from us.”

“I’m sure holding your baby girl will make you feel better,” Kirstie smiled. “Trust me, you’ll fall in love instantly. She’s beautiful.”

Scott nodded and began following Kirstie this time. They went back through the tunnel, back into the main hospital. They walked until they made it to the building strictly for pregnant women and the children that come along. Scott already felt warm the minute he saw the first woman with their newborn. It made him forget what he was upset about as the went to the eighth floor. Kirstie explained that he was the dad, and to add him to the visit list, going to the sink to wash their hands. Kirstie directed him to a little section, whose board said Rebecca Taylor Hoying. His heart fluttered as he sat down, the nurse giving him the daughter he has always wanted.

“Hi Baby Girl,” Scott smiled as he began to cry, her trying to grab his finger. “I am your daddy and I am here to give you the life I never had. I will make sure you’re safe and protected, and I will do the same for your mommy. You two don’t have to worry about anything as long as I am around. You will be loved and appreciated, and you’ll have a great childhood. I just met you, and I love you so much.”

The baby made a noise as if to say okay to Scott, warming him even more. Scott lightly stroked his hand over her cheek and she moved a little bit, giving the hugest grin a 3 pound 13 ounce baby could give. He started bouncing her and humming to a Disney song, the one his mom would sing when he would be scared, and watched as the baby fell back asleep. He was having a moment of pure joy, one he never thought he'd feel, and in that moment, he forgot all the bad that had happened in his life. He felt happy and complete, and that’s all he felt he needed. After a while, he handed the baby back to Kirstie, sitting in silence until he saw Angelica and Tyler.

“Hey, Scotty,” Tyler greeted. “I heard the good news, and I am so stoked for you, Bro. I am so excited that I am an uncle. Mom came along too, just to support you and what you’ve accomplished.”

“Oh…” Scott snapped back to reality. “I have to talk to her about something. Is she in the waiting room?”

“She sure did,” Tyler nodded, Scott storming out and going to his mother.

“Oh hello Scott,” Connie smiled, but it faded when she saw Scott’s lack of one. “What’s wrong, Son?”

“Uncle Rick is actually my dad,” Scott growled, realization taking over her face, “and now I can’t save Emily because we don't share a dad. When were you going to tell me that the guy, who made my life hell, isn’t my dad?! Will could still be there if you would’ve just let me live with my real dad. Hell, everything would’ve been great if you just chose my real dad.”

“It's a lot more complicated than you know,” she sighed. “I promise I would’ve left in a heartbeat, but I couldn’t. He wouldn’t let me.”

“I want to understand, Mom,” he sighed. “Please tell me what happened. I want to know everything, Mom, so I can understand why you did it.”

“Okay…” she gave in, him sitting down. “Your sister isn’t even a Hoying either. I had her before I even met your dad. I was in my third year of college when I first met Rick, and he was incredible and so romantic. I loved him so much, hell I still do, and he obviously loved me. He treated Emily as his own, and it was great. Then he took me home to meet the family, and that was when I met James. He became obsessed with me, and he even stalked me. One night, he snuck into my dorm, and attacked me when I was home. He warned me that if I didn’t break up with Rick, he would kill him and Emily. I was so scared that I gave into him, but I didn’t stop seeing Rick. He was my secret, and everything was great. Then, I ended up pregnant with you, and we both knew that Jim would go after him, so I helped him change his name and move out of the country so Jim couldn’t find him. I know I should’ve told you but if I even brought it up, he would’ve killed you and Emily instead. You two were hurt so much, but at least I still have you. You should also know that she has a twin, and he is a match, so he has agreed to donate a kidney for her. Emily will be okay. I promise everything will be okay. Now that Jim is gone, I have convinced Rick to come back.”

“Would you like to come back and see your grandson?” he smiled. “I will ask Tyler to let you come back.”

“I would love that,” she nodded, him walking back into the NICU and sending Tyler out.

“Did you talk to your mom about the situation with Emily?” Kirstie asked, handing Becca back to Scott after he sat down.

“Everything was explained,” he answered, “and they found a compatible match, so they’ll be doing the transplant soon. She will be okay.”

“As long as everything is okay,” she sighed. “I thought the anger was going to take over. You are a tough guy to deal with when you’re mad.”

“I am working on that,” he admitted. “I am slowly getting there. It is just a matter of time before I am truly okay again. I can’t wait for that day.”

“Me neither,” she agreed, Connie walking in and sitting with Scott. He gave his mother the baby and they sat there in silence for a couple hours.

Keep Me Coming: Book One of the KMC SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now