Chapter Sixteen

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Mitch woke up for Becca's next feeding, and he thought it was strange that Scott wasn't back. Mitch sighed and took care of the baby, like he promised he would do, but something was telling him that something was wrong. He made the bottle, warming it up as he made himself some lunch. He went to the bedroom once more, feeding the baby before eating himself. He grabbed a shower, changing into something comfortable before filling up the baby bath. He grabbed the baby and diaper bag, bathing and clothing her before putting her in the basinet that his sister had brought to him. When there wasn't any sign of Scott, he began to panic, until he got a call.


"Hey, it's Kirstie."

"Oh hi. Have you seen Scott? He was supposed to come back after his class."

"That's what I am calling about, actually."

"What happened? What's wrong?"

"His PTSD was triggered and he basically destroyed the entire apartment."

"Is he okay?"

"I don't think so, but I think he will be with some rest. He doesn't normally get like this. He hasn't had an episode since he left the hospital."

"I didn't realize it was that bad..."

"Bring Becca and nothing else. I think he would rather you napping with him than me."

"I will be there as soon as I can."

"Thanks. I don't know if I can do this on my own."

"I wouldn't expect you to."

"Well I have to get off of here and make a couple more calls."

"Okay, I will be there soon."




"We have to go help your Daddy," Mitch spoke to the baby, Becca mumbling as if to agree as he got them ready to leave.


When Mitch stepped into the apartment, it looked far worse than he had expected. The first thing he saw, the dining table and chairs, were completely in a mound of rubble and glass. The living room didn't look any better. The TV was smashed, the TV stand was in shambles, and the couches and chairs were completely torn apart. There were shreds of furniture fabric strewn across the room, and scratches on the wall. He began to realize just how bad it was, and he was scared to look anywhere else in the apartment. He hear Kirstie's voice call for him from one of the rooms, and he walked to the room, walking in. He looked around and saw that it was obviously Dan's room, and the two of them were sitting on the bed, waiting for him.

"We are happy you finally made it," Kirstie smiled. "I don't think we should keep him alone much longer."

"What triggered it?" he asked, sitting in the desk chair.

"He heard fireworks going of and thought it was gunshots," she explained. "When I had got here, he was laying on the floor, on top of glass, panicking. He thought that Jon was coming after him again. He was scared that Jon would come after you and Becca. That's why I think it's best that you go in there and reassure him that you're okay."

"We called the hospital about the possibility of taking him back," Dan admitted, Mitch's whole demeanor changing.

"What the hell gave you the right to call them?!" Mitch lashed out at Dan, on the verge of attacking him. "What possessed you to do something like that?! I was told this was his first episode since he got out, and you think you're fucking entitled to send him back?!"

"I did it Mitch," Kirstie called out. "He was the one that tried to talk me out of it. He was the one that didn't want to do it. Please don't lash out at him. He convinced me into hanging up."

"Filmmaking is my minor," he added. "Psychiatry is my major, and my professor wanted me to take on a client. That is why Scott and I chose to move in together in the first place. It was, of course, the one day I decide to treat myself to lunch, and I should've been here for him. I want what's best for him, and leaving him alone like this wasn't it. I hate what I did. I really do. I promise you that he will never be alone again."

"I hope so," Mitch growled, going to the room where Scott was trying to rest.

"Nooooooo!" Scott yelled out once he heard the door shut. "He did come back! Helllp! Help meee! Please don't hurt me! I am happy now... Please... please don't..."

"I'm not gonna hurt you, Scotty," Mitch cooed. "It's only me, Scotty. It's Mitch. I won't ever hurt you again."

"Please hold me," Scott begged, Mitch walking over and joining him in the bed. Scott rested his head on the smaller man's chest, Mitch's arms wrapping around him.

"You're safe now, Scotty," Mitch whispered reassuredly. "No one is going to hurt you. I am here. I will protect you."

"Don't let me go," Scott squeaked out. "I feel so cold and alone when you're not here... or anyone for that matter... just... just don't let me go... not yet..."

"I promise I'm not going anywhere," Mitch promised, them both falling asleep.


"Mitchie!" the Italian heard Scott call out, waking him up. "Mitchie wake up."

"I am awake," Mitch yawned, rubbing his eyes. "Is there something wrong."

"We're going to miss the fireworks if we don't hurry," Scott bounced, making the other man laugh.

"Are you sure it won't cause another meltdown?" Mitch asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Not if you're there with me," Scott shook his head. "I feel safe with you, and I know nothing will ever happen like that again. Now come on. I want to meet with Kirstie and Dan for a good seat."

"Fine, Let's go then," Mitch gave in with a loving smile as Scott let him up to get ready.

When they finally were ready, they put on their jackets and headed outside. They walked together, both obviously restraining from holding hands, to the campus square where everyone crowded around for the yearly celebration of the day the college was founded. They squeezed through, people annoyed with them, as they worked their way to the front where they knew Dan and Kirstie would be. They said hi to their friends and sat in their saved seats, making it just in time. Mitch found himself hypnotized by the flashes of color and the crisp autumn air as he pulled out his camera, taking pictures of the beautiful display. He turned around and saw the blond staring in awe at the fireworks, hues of reds, blues, whites, and greens flashed over the man's already glimmering face. His eyes sparkled like the sun reflecting on the ocean, and he was flashing a pearly white smile. Mitch centered the camera and took multiple pictures until Scott looked over and smiled.

"You look incredible under the lights of the fireworks," Mitch beamed. "I thought the display was the most beautiful thing her tonight, then I looked over at you, and I remembered what beauty really was. I don't think I could've taken a better picture, honestly."

"Dan told me how defensive you got when they said something about the hospital," Scott sighed, finally looking away from the display. "Even though you yelled at the wrong person, thank you for believing in me. Not a lot of people would've refrained from sending me back."

"Dan did too," Mitch argued with a whine.

"It is his job to keep me out of the hospital," Scott laughed a little. "He's paid to refrain. You cared enough to refrain."

"I wouldn't put the one I love in a hospital after one episode," Mitch admitted, looking over at the blond before noticing how close their lips were.

"I can see that now," Scott shrugged with a smile, finally attaching their lips together, pulling away for a brief second. "so boyfriends?"

"I am thinking so," Mitch nodded, the two wrapping up for a long awaited kiss as the firework finale flashed behind the two of them.

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