Chapter 3

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The next day, I got ready to see the Princes and the Kings. Zain had to them that it was urgent that I would see them. Of course, none of them questioned my urgent meeting with all of them. If I had needed to talk to them, that was urgent enough.

I looked at my reflection in my full length mirror. The reflection that looked back at me did not look like me. The woman that was staring straight at me looked tired and weary. Even the blue dress that I was wearing seemed to have sagged in some way-- even though it felt like I couldn't breathe in the dress at all.

"Everything's going to be fine," I pasted a smile on my face as I walked away from the mirror. "It'll be just fine. I'm sure of it."

Not really, I sighed as I headed to the conference room. My grandfathers conference room, well it was his. Now I guess it's mine.

I was looking out at the window, my back facing the door, when the Princes had entered.

"Linda," Keith, my loving brother, stood next to me then. The Princes were already sitting down at the long table.

"Sorry," I closed my eyes for a second. "My mind must have been somewhere else."

"I'll say," Keith led us to the table. "You don't look well, Linda."

"Well," I said as I jumped right into it. "It hasn't been well here lately."

"What do you mean?" Joshua was the first one to speak after my brother.

"As all of you may have guessed-- if not already figured it out--" I drew in a shaky breath. "--My grandfather, Lord Nobel Michel has not been doing well. In the matter of his health."

"Do you mean..." Roberto trailed off, not daring to say that my grandfather would die soon.

"Yes," I said. "My grandfather would soon pass. However, I have been taking on the role as Lady for the past few weeks." I stopped to consider the words what I was about to say to everyone, including Wilfred. "Since my grandfathers health has drastically decreased yesterday. I agreed to take the role as Lady and-- and I took the barrier from his hands. As you may know, there is a barrier that holds dear on this sacred land that the Palace is on."

"No wonder you look so tired." Glenn said cautiously.

Edward nodded. "It must take a lot out of you to be the only one to hold the barrier."

I nodded. "It would be...easier if someone else was holding the barrier, but there is no one else. I am the last member of the Michel's."

"Hopefully not for long." Roberto winked at Wilfred and me.

I laughed as I looked at Wilfred.

"That's all that I wanted to tell you." I said. "There will be a coronation as soon as possible, but it won't be as soon as I would like it to be-- for my grandfather anyway."

Everyone stayed silent until they agreed that the coronation should be sooner. They tried to make conversation but in the end they just all dispersed. The only Princes that stayed behind were just Keith and Wilfred.

"I'll...wait outside." Keith said as he left the room.

"How are you, Linda, really?" Wilfred said as I slumped into my grandfathers chair at the end of the table.

"I have no idea." I said as I looked into Wilfred's worried eyes. "Everyday here has been hectic. Yesterday..." I closed my eyes to hold back the tears that would soon come. "Yesterday I had to take the barrier from my grandfather, to ease him."

"And is that a bad thing." He knelt on one knee next to me as he took my hand.

"No, it's not a bad thing." I let out a shaky breath as I tightened my grip on his hand. "It's the consequences that come from taking the barrier."

"What are the consequences?" He asked timidly, tightening his grip on my hand too-- as if both of our lives had depended on it.

"There is only one, and that one consequence is..." I trailed off as tears began to run down my face. "Is that I can never leave the Palace more than two days." I finished hastily.

Wilfred stiffened. "You can't leave the Palace for more than two days?"

I shook my head. "No, I can't. Wilfred, I know that I should have told you that I was going to take the barrier from my grandfather-- but I didn't know about the consequences until after I took it. I'm so sorry, Wilfred."

"Hey," He got me out of the chair and hugged me in his arms. "Don't apologize. That was something that you had to do. It was your duty to take the barrier, it is your duty to take the barrier. I'm not going to hate you for it."

"But what about the wedding plans?" I said as I looked into his eyes then. "I can't leave the Palace for more than two days. Staying at Phillip would be more than two days--"

"Then we plan our wedding here." He said gently as he wiped my tears away with his gloved fingers. "You don't have to worry about that. We'll work things out as we go. Okay?"

I nodded as he engulfed me in his arms again.

When Keith came into the room again. I knew that the Kings had arrived.

"Let's have tea before you two leave?" I asked as Wilfred kissed me goodbye.

They nodded.

"Of course," Keith said. "We'll wait."

As soon as they left, the Kings arrived.

I told them what I had told the Princes. My father and Wilfred's father had given me earnest sympathetic looks-- as the others had given me pleased looks. That I had taken my role as Lady, to ease my grandfather who has served the title as "Lord" right.

The same thing happened, my father and Wilfred's father stayed behind.

"Everything will be fine," My father hugged me as Wilfred's father gently touched my shoulder.

"Yes," The King of Phillip agreed. "Things will be fine. Even if you don't see it just yet."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." I smiled a little as my father held me at arms length then.

"I hope to see you at your best at the coronation!" He said excitedly. "We all must come here to celebrate afterward.

My father snorted. "You're always the one who loves to celebrate."

"Ah, you know that celebration is my middle name." The King of Phillip winked at my father.

"That I know." My father agreed as he laughed.

My father and Wilfred's father stayed awhile until I had to leave-- to have tea with Wilfred and Keith.

"How was your second meeting?" Keith asked as we sat around in my den. "Were the Kings hard on you?"

I laughed as I drank some tea, it calmed me down some. "No, they weren't hard on me. In fact, it was the opposite. They seemed...pleased that I have taken my role as Lady very seriously. Considering the circumstances."

Wilfred and Keith nodded in agreement.

"You are quite young to be taking this in quick strides as the new Lady of all Six Kingdoms."

"Well, I sure hope that it looks that way." I said as I took another long drink of my tea before I had to get another refill.

"It does," Wilfred reassured me. My brother did the same.

After my brother had lightened the mood some. They soon had to leave.

When I watched their cars leave the Palace, somehow I had felt lonely somehow. That the Palace had become too big for me, even though there were quite a lot of people in the Palace with me.

Author's Note:

...yeah...I'm just going to let that sink in.

Hope you liked this chapter!

Until next time, my lovelies!

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