Chapter 5

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The day of my coronation, I woke up in a daze.

I was officially going to be the Lady of all Six Kingdoms, Lady Linda Michel, but that was the least of my concern. I was thinking of my conversation with Wilfred on the phone yesterday. Our conversation hadn't ended well.

Will he be here today, I thought as Ashley, and a few other maids, helped me get ready. I hope, I mean, he would have to come. The other Princes were coming, especially the Kings.

"He'll come," I said when I was finally done getting ready as I looked at my reflection.

I was wearing an elegant blue old fashioned dress, my grandfather had always worn a blue robe. Was that why Ashley had chosen for me to wear a blue dress? One could only wonder.

The rest of the morning dragged on as I waited for everyone to get here, for the coronation to start.

My grandfather was going to be there, even though Zain and I hadn't wanted him to. He was still weak, even though he was regaining his strength back. I focused on my grandfather, I was taking my role for him-- for the sake of our family. This was the right choice, no other choice, so I can't let trivial thoughts bother me today.

But is Wilfred a trivial thought, I thought as Zain led me to the Ballroom through a secret door. Of course, he wasn't. Wilfred was anything but trivial. He was the love of my life. We were just having a tiny bump in our relationship, in our engagement. When we would get married we would have a lot of other tiny bumps to overcome. This tiny bump would soon pass. Or I hope, at least.

Zain left me behind the door to the balcony inside the Ballroom, my grandfather had requested to introduce me before the coronation itself. So Zain had to help him stand.

"Welcome." My grandfather said in a sure, strong voice. He was anything but sure and strong, but I didn't hear the speech that he had probably prepared ever since my mother had passed away.

Don't think about that now, I thought as I shook my head. Focus Linda.

"Please welcome, Lady Linda, the heir to Nobel Michel and all of the Six Kingdoms." My grandfather finished his speech and the crowd broke in applause.

I straightened before I entered the Ballroom. Quickly, I pasted a smile on my head as my grandfather began to announce that I was their Lady, the one who would protect all Six Kingdoms-- that was another thing that Zain and I hadn't wanted my grandfather to do. He needed his rest, but who could stop my grandfather?

After that announcement and a few other words to make it official, the Ballroom broke out into a party-- to celebrate my coronation as Lady of all Six Kingdoms.

Of course, I greeted everyone-- including the Princes and the Kings-- even though I didn't want to. Another thing that came to the job description, I had to do things that I wasn't up for. It was my duty.

When Wilfred and I had looked at each other, he looked away from me.

I swallowed back a lump that was forming in my throat. Was he mad at me? It was hard to tell. Wilfred was hard to read sometimes, even if I knew him a little better than anyone else.

Keith had noticed that we weren't holding hands, even if I had went to stand next to him-- for the sake of people not noticing our behavior-- but I guess you couldn't fool my brother. He didn't say anything though.

"Why aren't you two all lovey dovey?" Glenn asked as he drank his third glass of wine. "I think some lovey dovey should be in order here. Don't you think?" And with that, Glenn pushed me into Wilfred-- our lips touched in the end.

We both stiffened, but seconds later Wilfred had put his arms around my waist and kissed me as if nothing had happened.

All around us, everyone "oohed" and "awwed". I think our engagement had become public that day also.

I blushed terribly when Wilfred and I had parted from each other.

"I'm sorry," He whispered into my hear as he held me close to him. "For yesterday. I shouldn't have ended our conversation like that. It was wrong of me. I'm glad that we'd be staying here after our wedding."

All I did was smile up at him, I couldn't say anything. I was just too happy that he wasn't mad at me-- at least not anymore, I think.

"Oh, Wilfred." I shook my head as I kissed him tenderly on the lips.

That day, everything fell right into place. Before I knew it, I was trying on countless of wedding dresses-- and before I knew it the wedding was just around the corner. Literally.

Author's Note:

Ooh, the wedding is almost upon us!

I don't know how much chapters this story will be, but there isn't going to be a lot.

Why drag it on, right?

But I think I will write their honeymoon in after the wedding :)

Just for kicks.

Well, until next time, my lovelies.

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