Chapter 1

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Our parents-- and my grandfather-- were excited to hear that Wilfred and I were engaged. They didn't even second guess our engagement. They knew, from the very beginning when we had starting to date, that we were good together. A match made in heaven, Wilfred's father had said.

"Let's drink to celebrate!" The King of Phillip said when we had dinner with his parents one night.

I didn't try to get myself out of drinking wine tonight. Wilfred's father was too excited to care. Heck, I was too excited to care about my own drinking-underage-moral.

Once we were done celebrating I couldn't get out of my chair.

"Are you all right?" Wilfred tried not to laugh as his parents left the dining room.

"I can't," I giggled. "Walk in my shooths."

"Yes," Wilfred helped me take off my heels. "I can see that you can't walk in your shooths."

"Are you makin' fu' o' me?" I slurred as he cradled me in his arms, as I held my heels in my own arms.

"No, not at all." Wilfred tried not to laugh.

I looked up at him. "You are makin' fu' o' me."

Wilfred laughed as he carried me to his room. He set me down on his couch. 

"I think you drank just a little too much." He said as he pried the heels out of my hands.

"Yeah," I sighed as I laid on the couch. "I thin' I di'."

He shook his head as he had Claude bring me a tall glass of water.

"You're staying here tonight."

"Oh!" I sat up and looked at Wilfred. "I would lo' tha', bu' I can't. I ha' to do stu' tom'row."

"I think the stuff that you have to do tomorrow can wait." He said as he laid me back down on the couch. "You're just a little too drunk to go home tonight."

"I'm not driving," I mumbled. "So why do I ha' t' sta' here?"

"Because I'm afraid that you'll throw up on your dress on your way home to Nobel Michel." He said as he pet my hair. 

"You're sweet," I said as I closed my eyes just when Claude came in with my glass of water.

"I also brought aspirin, for later." He said before he left.

"Linda," Wilfred shook me as I began to feel very, very sleepy. "Linda, you have to drink some water. Or you'll throw up later. Come on."

"Hmm..." I reluctantly sat up as Wilfred held on to the glass of water as I drank.

"Thank you." I sighed as I looked into his blue eyes, those favorite blue eyes of his. Then my eyes trailed down to his lips. So plump and pink.

Without thinking, I planted a gentle, tender kiss on his lips. He kissed me back and that's what we did for awhile, we made out. When I grabbed the buttons of his shirt, that's when the kissing had stopped.

"No," Wilfred said as I began to unbutton his shirt. "Linda," He grabbed my wrists in his hands. "You're drunk, no."

I pouted. "You don't love me?" What a silly thing to ask. Of course, he loved me. He was just protecting me from making a big mistake.

"No, of course, I love you." He said, confirming my thoughts. "I just don't think you realize what you're doing right now."

"But I do." I said as I tried to wriggle free from his grip, but he kept me there. 

"I don't think you do, Linda." He said gently as he kissed me on the lips, but he didn't linger. It was short, quick kiss. "You should rest now."

"Fine," I sighed as I let him carry me to his bed. 

Wilfred took a pillow and put it on the couch.

"You're not going to sleep with me?" I asked as I sat up from his bed.

"No, not tonight." He said as he gently pushed me back down on the bed. "Good night, Linda."

"Okay," I said as my head gently hit against the pillow. "G'nite, Wilfred."

Before I knew it, I was in dreamland.

I think I woke up in the middle of the night when I had felt my stomach churn. That was the time where I threw up loads of alcohol. I did not like the taste of it coming back up.

Wilfred had woken up from me puking into the toilet.

"Finally came back up, huh?" He said as he sat down next to me in his bathroom.

I nodded as I put hand over my forehead. "I'm not liking this headache either."

"Claude gave me some aspirin while you were drunk. I'll go get it."

When Wilfred came back I was done puking and I was sitting ontop of the toilet, with the cover down.

"Here," He gave me some aspirin and the tall glass of water.

"Thanks," I said as I took the aspirin and drank it down with the water.

When we were back in his room he tucked me back into bed. 

"Can you sleep with me?" I said when he was going to go back to the couch. "Please?"

He chuckled. "All right."

I snuggled up next to him as he settled into bed. 

"This is nice," I sighed as I closed my eyes. Sleep claiming me again.

"Yes, it is." Wilfred kissed my hair as I went back to dreamland.

When we woke up, Claude gave me a new set of clothes and a toothbrush.

"No one knows what happened last night, all right?" I told him as I thanked him for the clothes and the toothbrush.

"You don't remember last night." He realized.

"No," I said as I shook my head.

"Very well then. Last night never happened."

I smiled as I went into Wilfred's bathroom to take a calming shower.

Author's Note:

Oh, Linda, linda, linda. Well...I just wanted to open this new story up with a romantic-- yet funny (hopefully)-- scene. 

Wilfred is so caring as he took care of drunken Linda.

Well...Until next time, my lovelies!

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