Chapter 6

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Two weeks before the wedding, a thought had popped into my mind. Who was going to walk me down the aisle? Would it be my Uncle or my father? Would it even matter? Would people realize the difference? Maybe...

I called my father. Before he could even say hello I jumped right into things.

"Do you think people would notice the difference if you walked me down the aisle and not Uncle-- since you know people think that he's my father?"

My father laughed. "Well, hello there too, Linda."

"Dad," I said seriously.

"Okay, okay." He was still laughing. "Well, I don't think it would matter. There are times where people still confuse me as your Uncle."

"So, if you walked me down the aisle no one would know that it was you?"

"I don't see they would." He snorted. "Unless you tell them, of course."

"Of course," I said as I looked out my window. "You are going to walk me down the aisle, right?"

"Well, of course." I could practically feel hear the smile in his voice. "I wouldn't miss my little girls wedding."

"Your second little girl," I corrected as I thought of Catherine.

"Yes, my second but first little girl." He laughed as he knew what I meant.

"How's Cathy by the way?" I quickly changed the subject.

"She's doing fine, but she does miss you though."

"Do you think she could, you know, stay over here before the wedding?" I asked as I laid down on my bed.

"I don't see why she can't, but if she begins to feel unwell you'll have to call a doctor. Okay?"

"Okay," I promised. I had almost forgot that Cathy had a weak body, that she got sick often.

After that was settled, my father and I ended our conversation.

Everyday was mixed with wedding rehearsals and endless paperwork. I would always finding myself sleeping extremely late and waking up early the next day.

The way that I've been running couldn't have been good for my body. Even Zain looked worried that I would collapse one day, one week before the wedding.

"Lady Linda, I think you should take a break." Zain said as he pried the paperwork out of my hands. "You're not looking well."

"Someone has to do that." I said as I pointed at the paperwork that was in his hands, but I didn't protest. I was so tired, exhausted even.

"The paperwork can wait." He said gently. "Have you forgotten that you have a wedding to attend to, and you're the bride?"

I smiled faintly, I was too tired to even smile. "I haven't forgotten, Zain."

"Any case, you should take a break today." He said firmly. "Get enough rest before you're getting married."

"Fine," I stood up from my seat at my desk in my study.

Once I entered my room and laid on my bed, sleep took over me as if I haven't been sleeping at all.

Maybe I haven't, I thought as I let my mind wander off into dreamland. I probably haven't noticed that I haven't gotten enough sleep lately.

Before I knew it I had woken up the next day, with Cathy's face in mine-- my little sister-- as she watched me sleeping.

"You were asleep for a long time." She laughed but worry crossed her face.

"Was I," I said as I sat up. I was still tired.

She nodded as she sat down next to me on my bed.

"I'm glad that you woke up though!" She said as she laid down next to me. "Now we can have a slumber party-- well kind of."

"Ah, right." I nodded and then realization hit me. "Wait, how long was I asleep."

Cathy shrugged. "Two days maybe? I don't know, that's what Zain said. I just got here."

"Two days," I raised my eyebrows as I sighed.

Tomorrow's the wedding, I thought as I laid down next to Cathy as she told me how much she missed me-- how much she was glad that we were sisters instead of cousins. Like that even mattered, our relationship was always like of sisters rather than cousins.

I can't believe I'm getting married tomorrow, I thought as I began to do Cathy's hair.

Author's Note:

Okay, sorry if this seems rushed, but I just can't wait for the wedding! It looks like this is going to be a short story for Wilfred and Linda's Engagement/Wedding-- and they're honeymoon of course x)

Well, until next time, my lovelies!

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