CHAPTER 15: Calumniate

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The day goes by and the rest of the girls are in their clubs. Chloe really doesn't like to attend her shift but Beca accompanied her in her club and she can't do anything about it.

"I'll get going Chlo." Beca waved her hand to Chloe and she did the same. Beca was confident being with Chloe the whole day and Chloe doesn't even think of questioning her about that. Well, they love each others company that if possible they won't separate from each other. But of course, they need to do their task for the whole week and separate for 5 hours each day.

Before Beca disappeared, she saw Stacie passing by her. She irked her eyebrows at the girl but the latter just genuinely smiled at her.

Chloe saw Stacie coming and she also frowned at her.

"Why everyone is frowning at me?" Stacie asked Chloe innocently. "Anyway, am I still welcome here? Or I've been kicked out too?"

"Uhm. I think Amy's inside already. Let's go." Chloe said and went inside next to Stacie. As they got inside, they didn't saw Amy yet so they sat on the table near the door.

Silence took them for seconds and it's getting uncomfortable for Chloe and Stacie noticed it so be she spoke.

"You're blonde huh? And you look good by the way."

"Thanks. You too, your hair was brighter brown now. It suits you." Chlos smiled.

"Anyway. What happened yesterday?" Stacie asked. "I was out with my boyfriend the whole day yesterday that's why I'm not here. It's urgent that I didn't thought about being kicked out of the fashion show. It's awful but I never regret having a date with him." She said while daydreaming. Even she's lying about a certain thing, she can't help but to daydream the moment she had with the girl. That's amazing that she couldn't believe she's been hooked by her so much to the point that she didn't know if it's a dream or what. And she's crazy enough to confirm it tonight.

Chloe hesitantly smile, she can't believe that everyone was worrying about the girl and the girl was just dating someone else. "I'm happy for you." Stacie feels there's a 'but'. "but.. you know, you could at least text someone so everyone might know what you're doing and not worried at all." Chloe said. Stacie looked at her in confusion.

"You're saying someone was worrying about me?"

"Everyone was worrying about your sudden disappearance." Chloe stated and saw Emily entered the room. She looks surprise as she looked at the girl who's missing the whole day yesterday but she shrugged it off when Stacie took a glance of her. She proceeded to the bathroom.

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