Breath | chapter seven

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A metallic taste instant exploded inside Leia's mouth, blocking her breathing pathway when the man in black suit slammed her to the wall

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A metallic taste instant exploded inside Leia's mouth, blocking her breathing pathway when the man in black suit slammed her to the wall. She bounced from the wall and trashed onto the floor like a rag doll. She sputtered and blood involuntarily spewed out her lips.
Cursing under her breath, she wanted to shout for the Winchesters but the man kicked her abdomen,putting her intention into a halt.

The pain surging through her was surreal. Leia was seeing stars,but for some reason,she can withstand it. She tried grabbing the demon's leg and well, mentally summoning herself to kill it with her demon-killing ability with barehand but nothing happened.

The demon only snorted when Donatello tried to help. It heaved Leia up to air by the neck and brought her outside, pinning her against wall. She tried to struggle but the chokehold was firm. The demon pulled out a knife that looked like a demon-killing knife, but it was charcoal black.

"Bitch." he had seethed into her ears,pressing the tip of the knife against her collarbone. He smirked, "Not so invincible now, huh? Do they know about you yet?"

Leia let out a helpless whimper as she was running out of air.


A familiar voice interrupted and Leia saw something fast flashed before her and it landed on the demon's neck. She was instantly dropped onto the floor.As the air seared into her lungs, Leia gasped loudly and sputtered out a few deep cough. She had heard Dean commented something about housekeeping not gonna like the dead demon as he helped her up.

"You're okay?" Dean asked as he looked at her worrily. She nodded, wiping the blood on her lips with her sleeves. Her lips stung so she gathered that she also burst her lips. She glanced at the dead demon. It knew her. It freaking knew her and what she was. And for some odd reason, she felt afraid.

Leia let out a shaky,yet coarse breath.
"I'm fine. Lets get Jack."


Leia could barely hear the three men fighting among each other with the loud ringing in her ears. Her body was sore. There's a dark pit swirling inside her, beckoning her to gag. She leaned back to ease the nausea and paced her breath,and Dean's fast driving wasn't helping at all.

A demon just took Jack. God knows what they'd do to him. Leia grimaced at the thought. I would fucking destroy all of them if they hurt him.

"Its not a demon, its something much more darker that took Jack. I can feel its power alongside Jack's. Its get stronger the closer we get. " Donatello said,gulping worrily. Even him looked like he's gonna be sick. "We need to find him fast."

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