First Date

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A/N: Hi everyone, I am going to try to keep these one-shots updated daily.  I'm sorry in advance if I don't remember.  Anyway, enjoy!

John had a particularly bad day at work. He had too many patients, and no break for the past 7 hours. Sherlock was waiting in the kitchen working on an experiment waiting for his new boyfriend to come home. They had only just expressed their feelings for one another, and Sherlock wanted to make the first date perfect. Sherlock heard footsteps and someone unlocking the door with their keys. The door opened and their stood John, all disheveled in his doctor's lab coat and tie carrying a briefcase. His eyes were only just open and he looked like he was ill. Sherlock took one glance, sprang up from his char and took the briefcase from John. John looked up to see Sherlock giving him a look of concern. "Tonight was supposed to be our first date, nut it is obvious that you are too tired, so I will try for tomorrow night." John looked upset at his lover. He leaned in and rested his head on Sherlock's chest. Sherlock wrapped his arms around john pulling him in for an embrace. Sherlock was not particularly good at reading emotions, or feeling them but one thing he knew was that he loved John more than anything in the world. "John, lets order take out instead" Sherlock suggested. John lifted his head to look into the beautiful eyes of his new boyfriend. "That would be lovely Sherlock." John wrapped his arms around the thin detective and squeezing him gently. When they finally broke apart, Sherlock lead John to his chair and put on the tele. Sherlock called Angelo's and asked if he could deliver. Angelo obliged as he still owed Sherlock a favor. After Sherlock was off the phone he took a seat in the chair across from his blogger looking at John as he was about to fall asleep. He looked so peaceful, and Sherlock didn't want to disturb him while he slept.

Still observing the perfect bliss state of his blogger, Sherlock took in every aspect of the man he loved. The doorbell rang and Sherlock jumped up hoping that John would stay sleeping. He took the food from Angelo, paid and walked up the stairs as quietly as he could. John opened his eyes to see Sherlock setting the kitchen table for dinner. Sherlock noticed him and gave a warm smile. "Good morning sleeping beauty." He said in a joking tone. "What time is it?" John asked. He looked at his watch. "Oh, only 9:30." Yes, and I didn't want to disturb you while you were sleeping, love." John was too exhausted to notice the pet name that Sherlock had called him. "What are you doing anyway?" John got up and stretched. Sherlock just lit the candles and turned on the light revealing his exuberant display of a dinner table. "It's our first date and I want it to be memorable." He said shaking, expecting John to reject him instantly. "Sherlock you don't need to be so worried, I agreed to go out with you." Sherlock's heart filled his chest with warmth and joy. They sat down at the table thoroughly enjoying their dinner. Sherlock could listen for hours about John's issues at work, as long as they weren't about him being romantic with someone else. John listened to Sherlock's rantings about different cases, and how much of an idiot Anderson was in each case. After they finished dinner, John and Sherlock both sat on the couch wrapped in each other's arms. John was playing with Sherlock's curls enjoying each moment of it. Sherlock had never looked so peaceful than when he was with John. "John, can I ask you something?" Sherlock rose his head slightly so he could look at his blogger. "Yes love, what is it?" John replied looking down into Sherlock's mesmerizing blue eyes. Sherlock couldn't remember his question; all he could do was stare into Johns' eyes. Before he even knew what he was doing, he turned around and gave John a deep kiss. John was shocked at first then melted into the kiss. They separated, both out of breath. John seemed to guess what Sherlock's question was. "Yes Sherlock, I really am dating you and I really do care for you," John said with a smile. Sherlock locked his lips with John once again but this one was filled more with emotion. John kissed back as Sherlock was letting out moans of pleasure. "Do you want to continue this in the bedroom?" "Anything for you my love." Sherlock said with a huge grin on his face. They both got up and Sherlock lead John back to now what was going to be their room and they spent the rest of the night in each other's embrace. They woke up the next morning tangled in each other's limbs neither wanting to get up. Sherlock woke up first watching the army doctor sleep with a huge smile on his face. John woke up shortly after. When he opened his eyes, he saw Sherlock looking down at him. "Good morning my love." Sherlock said with a smile giving John a light kiss on the top of his head. "John moved his way closer into Sherlock's arms. "Last night was amazing. I've never been as happy as I am with you." Sherlock felt his heart fill with warmth at the sound of these words. John had the day off and they spent the entire day laying in bed enjoying each others company. "You are my everything, John Watson." Sherlock said against Johns' lips. "As are you, Sherlock Holmes."

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