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Authors Note: Hi everyone, sorry this one might be a little shit because I'm tired and I haven't been writing for a while.  I should be getting back into the swing of things later this week though.  Anyway, enjoy!!

Sunday evening at Baker Street and Sherlock was sitting at his makeshift lab stuck to the microscope looking at blood cultures. Sherlock was waiting anxiously for John to get home from work. During the holidays, John was always on call during the holiday season and it made Sherlock upset. He never got to see his boyfriend anymore. It had been a year since Mary left with the baby and he knew that it was a hard year for John. They had slowly opened up their relationship since John moved back in. John had come out as bi and Sherlock came out as gay, although he felt as John already knew. 6:00 pm, the usual time that John walked in the door but tonight he was late. Sherlock was starting to worry, John was never late it was one of the things that Sherlock loved about John. 5 minutes later John walks through the door, exhausted. He drops his briefcase on the couch, sits in his chair and rubs his hands over his face. Sherlock walks up behind him rubbing Johns shoulders trying to calm down the tense man. "How was work love?" Sherlock asks as he places small kisses on John's face and neck. John moaned in response to Sherlock's presence. "Sherlock, I'm really tired I'm not in the mood right now" Sherlock heard these words and immediately released John from his grasp. Sherlock walked over and kneeled in front of John taking his hands on his own. "How was work?" Sherlock asked looking at John with his best puppy dog eyes. John looked into Sherlock's blue eyes and leaned down to place a gentle kiss on Sherlock's lips. "It was long, but I'm better now that I'm here with you, love." John said against his lover's lips. Sherlock looked happily at John, but with a hint of disappointment that John never missed. John right through Sherlock and knew that something was wrong. "What's wrong love?" John said. Sherlock sighed and glared at the floor. "I had plans for us to go to dinner tonight at Angelo's but you are too tired and I don't want you to overexert yourself." John reached under Sherlock's' chin and pushed his head up so they were looking at each other and placed another light kiss on Sherlock's lips. "I would love to go to dinner love." They smiled at each other as Sherlock jumped up with excitement and headed to his room to change. John sat back in his chair and closed his eyes. He was reminiscing about every memory he had with Sherlock. He knew how much he cared for the man since the first day they met. Sherlock came back out to the living room in his suit with the purple shirt that John loved so much. John looked at Sherlock and his eyes widened with arousal. "What's wrong John?" John blushed only then realizing he was staring with his mouth open. "I-Uh, nothing's wrong, just-uh- you look amazing love." John said stumbling over his words. Sherlock blushed and smiled a genuine smile he only showed to John. Sherlock was the only one who could make John stutter over his words like this. "We are going to be late John, and as much as I love your doctor's coat, I don't wish on sharing my doctor with anyone else at the restraint." John giggled and got up to change pinching Sherlock's ass as he went down the hall to his room. Sherlock yelped with arousal and his cheeks turned a crimson color. John soon emerged from his room wearing a blue shirt with black skinny jeans that Sherlock loved so much. The blue made Johns' eyes pop and Sherlock could barely handle it. "How do I look?" Sherlock saw John and resisted the urge to press him against the wall and fuck him vigorously. Sherlock stood there in awe, staring at John as if he had never seen him before. "You look perfect." John blushed and held out his hand for Sherlock to take. They walked down the stairs in comfortable silence. They reached Angelo's as John was going on and on about how boring the clinic was and how all of his patients are just old crabby people. They sat at the same table the first night they met. They ordered dinner and enjoyed each other's company while Sherlock talked about his experiments. John could listen to Sherlock's amazing baritone voice for eternity, something about the sound was very intriguing. He couldn't help but get jealous when he saw other women looking at Sherlock with hungry eyes. They finished dinner and walked back to the flat with John leaning on Sherlock's side. When they got back Sherlock grabbed John's collar and kissed him vigorously. John was surprised but leaned into the kiss with passion. They walked up the stairs never leaving each other's embrace. They opened the door and the flat had rose petals on the floor with candles on the tables creating a romantic mood. Neither was expecting this but only a few people knew of Sherlock's plan. "Sherlock, this is amazing, did you do this?" John asked looking at Sherlock with both arousal and love. Sherlock played this as if it was expected. "Of Couse John, this was for you." They shared one more kiss filled with passion and need. "John, before we continue I have one question to ask." Sherlock said, lightly pushing John away. "Ask away love." John said looking at Sherlock with hunger and anticipation. Sherlock sighed, a blush rising in his cheeks. He looked at the man he loved and knew what he was going to do was the best decision he would ever make. He bent down on one knee and looked at the man he loved tears filling his eyes. John looked down at Sherlock, his hands over his mouth tears in his eyes as well. "John, knowing you has made my world a better place. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" John looked into Sherlock's eyes, grinning from ear to ear. "Yes, oh god yes Sherlock!" He said throwing his arms around Sherlock's neck kissing him vigorously. "You make me the happiest man alive Sherlock Holmes." Sherlock picked up his new fiancé hugging him with every bit of strength he could muster. "Should we go celebrate?" John said excited. "I think we should tell Mrs. Hudson first don't you think?" Sherlock said against Johns lips. John smiled and moaned with pleasure not wanting this moment to end. "Don't worry dears I heard everything!" Mrs. Hudson said against the door. John and Sherlock blushed in embarrassment. John leaned his head on Sherlock's shoulder, smiling happily in his fiancé's arms. Their lips collided with extreme passion, and need. "Sherlock, I-I need you now!" John moaned with pleasure. "I think we can arrange that love." They both smiled and made their way to the bedroom where they could begin their new life as an engaged and soon to be married couple. 

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