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A/N: Hi everyone, sorry this one is longer but I felt like I had a lot to write.  I'm trying to update every day but school is a lot for me.  I am planning to do a Sherlock/John texts chapter soon.  I will try to update daily.  Enjoy<3

Sherlock hated going to school. He loved learning, but his classmates always bullied him. He was never able to go to the counselor for help because no one ever believed him. He was as skinny as ever and covered in bruises, but the teachers thought there were problems at home. The only boy who would ever stick up for him was John Watson, he was captain of the rugby team. They only had chemistry together and were lab partners but other than that they never talked. Sherlock sat in the back of the building during lunch hours as to avoid other students picking on him. They always seemed to find him no matter how hard Sherlock tried to hide. Sherlock finished his lunch luckily not to be seen by anyone who would beat him up and headed straight for chemistry. Today was a lab day and he promised himself he would try to make conversation with John. "Hi, John," Sherlock said in an almost whisper. John looked up from the packet they had just been handed to complete the lab. "Uh-hi." John sounded shy not really knowing what to say. They both sat down and John didn't understand the lab. "Hey, uh Sherlock?" John whispered. "Do you know what this lab is on?" Sherlock turned to look John in the eyes. His eyes were stunning, Sherlock had never seen them up close before now and was absolutely memorized. Sherlock snapped himself out of his trance and explained the lab to John. "Thanks, mate, at least someone else besides me in this class cares about the material." Sherlock gave a small smile to John, also appreciating that John cared about chemistry. They finished the lab and Sherlock grabbed his things trying to get to his next class before being caught by the other rugby players. John grabbed his elbow before he could dash away. "Hey, thanks for all the help today. Maybe we could do a study session together?" Sherlock's face lit up. He seemed so excited that he was ready to jump up and down like a kid in a candy store. He contained his excitement and nodded smiling ear to ear. John's cheeks began to flush as he grabbed Sherlock's hand and wrote his phone number on the back side. "Thanks, John. How about this weekend?" Sherlock asked waiting for a rejection. "Fine with me, meet Friday after school? I'll drive us to your place." "perfect." Sherlock turned and dashed to his next class hoping to not be late or caught by bullies.

Friday could not come fast enough. Sherlock had known he was gay and was very excited to see John again. Their only interaction was in chemistry, leaving Sherlock eager for Friday to roll around. The week went by slowly and Sherlock was getting impatient. He decided on Wednesday to leave his usual hiding spot and look for John during lunch. He wasn't even two steps into the building before the rugby team players had found him. "Well, if it isn't Sherly, come for another beating" Sherlock stood frozen in place not knowing what his best move would be. "Leave me alone!" Sherlock yelled trying to run past them. One of the larger players caught his arm and held him down while the others punched him and kicked him mercilessly. "Oi! Leave him alone!" a voice came running down the hall. "John, why are you defending this loser?" John pulled his teammates off Sherlock and held him up. "He's my friend, and if I catch you beating him one more time, you are all off the team!" John said with the voice of a commanding officer. He sounded as if he belonged in the army. The rugby players ran off as John carried Sherlock to the nurse's office. Mrs. Hudson came running in to see Sherlock all swollen and covered in bruises. "John, what happened?" John placed Sherlock gently on one of the beds explaining the scene he had just witnessed. Sherlock looked at John with tears forming in his eyes. "Th-thank you John." John looked at Sherlock with a smile full of pity and relief that he wasn't injured too badly. "I looked him over Mrs. Hudson, nothing too serious just bruising." Mrs. Hudson rushed back over with ibuprofen and a heating pad. "Oh John, you really should consider going into medicine as a career." Sherlock nodded in agreeance with Mrs. Hudson. "I have to head to class, will you be alright Sherlock?" Sherlock's face lit up. The idea that someone other than his parents cared for him was mind-boggling. No one had ever cared for him before. "Yes, thanks to you John. Are we still on for Friday?" "If you can move without being in pain then yes." John smirked and winked at Sherlock as he left the office to head to class

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