The Ball

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A/N: Hi everyone, I feel a lot more confident about this one shot and I hope everyone likes it.  It's more of a prince and a soldier story.  Enjoy <3

The Ball

The prince was looking out on the balcony over his kingdom, looking bored as ever. He never enjoyed balls as much as his brother did. People would always make fun of him, he always seemed to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Nothing ever changed, his brother was happy with his partner Gavin or Geoff or something and he was forced to try and meet someone. However, no one ever seemed of any interest to the prince. They were all too ordinary. The entire kingdom knew that the prince was gay, so women never tried to woo him, knowing that it was pointless. The prince was sulking when he heard the doors to the balcony he was on open. "Mycroft, I am bored out of my mind can I please-"as he turned to see the figure standing before him, he cut his words short not wanting to say something embarrassing in front of his guest. He looked at the stranger, never seeing anyone as beautiful as him in his life. The figure was short, with blonde curls and silver eyes. He stood straight, as an army soldier would. He didn't look afraid, but not comfortable either. He bowed respectfully at the prince. "Your majesty." He said as he rose from his bow. "Please call me Sherlock." The prince said as he held out a hand to shake the mystery man's hand. "Brother mine, this is John Watson, he just returned from battle only a month ago." John took Sherlock's hand in his and shook it politely. "Myc, I want to dance with you get back in here!" Mycroft sighed looking playfully agitated with the man who was calling for him. "You must excuse my partner, he is not very well mannered when he has had a few." Mycroft then left John and Sherlock on the balcony alone. Sherlock went back to leaning over the banister lost in the view of the kingdom. "So, Myc tells me that you are pretty special." Sherlock gave a small chuckle in acknowledgment. "How am I special?" Sherlock asked now looking at the shorter man. "Well, he says that you can tell everything about a person in 5 minutes or less." Sherlock thought for a minute, leaving silence between the two. Sherlock started on his deductions about John, and couldn't stop himself until he was finished. "That was amazing." John said astounded with how much information the prince was able to figure out about him. Sherlock looked puzzled at the compliment, sending pain to Johns' eyes. "What have I said something wrong," John asked. "No no, I'm just not used to people complimenting me on my deduction skills is all." "Well, what do people normally say?" "Piss off." They both chuckled slightly and took in the amazing view. "I can see why you don't like these things." Sherlock looked confused, he was not used to anyone knowing anything about him. "Oh yeah why is that Doctor Watson?" "Because you are afraid that you will start and won't be able to stop, and drive people away." Sherlock smiled as if he was proud of a son. "Well my dear Watson, you are entirely correct." He gave a smile and a wink back to the doctor. John blushed, looking away trying to hide his cheeks. Sherlock moved closer to John placing his hand on top of the doctors. John looked up at the prince, taking in his silvery blue eyes along with his curls that had been slowly escaping the entrapment of the gel. He leaned in close and placed his lips upon Sherlock's. There was a shock of electricity and arousal through both of them. It was everything they had both dreamed of. They parted and John leaned his head on Sherlock's shoulder and Sherlock had placed his arm around the shorter man's waist. They stayed like that enjoying each other's company for a long while until they say guests start to filter out of the castle. "I don't want this moment to end but I should be getting back." John said trying to escape Sherlock's grasp. "Would you like an escort back?" Sherlock offered to hope that John would say yes. They looked at each other never wanting to leave. "I would love that." John said as he placed a light kiss on the prince's lips. "Well then my dear Watson, you are going to have to sneak me out of here." Sherlock said with a flirtatious grin. "Alright soldier, follow my lead." John said with the same grin Sherlock had given him. He held Sherlock's hand and snuck him out of the castle, trying not to be caught by guards on their way out. As soon as they crossed the bridge leading out into the street, Sherlock took off his cloak and placed his arm back around John's waist. They walked like that all the way back to Johns flat in the center of town. Sherlock did not want to let his new companion go. But now that he knew where John lived, he could sneak out all the time. "Please tell me I will see you again." Sherlock said desperately. "John smiled and gave him a deep kiss. "I will find you again love." John said against Sherlock's lips, winked and went into his apartment. Sherlock had never been happier to have someone who understands him as well as this mystery man did. John had closed the door, remembering every last detail of the past few hours with the prince. Everything that people had told him had been lies. He was the most amazing man he had ever met.

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