A full house

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A month later. Cora has gone into labour. We are all sat in the waiting room to find out if the baby girl will come with us. Me and Regina are holding hands nervously and Henry is sat on Killian's lap. That miss Gilmore lady came over and said "your mother has had her baby girl. She wants to speak to all of you including you Emma" we all looked confused and stood up. We followed her to a room where Cora was sat just finished giving birth.

The doctor had the baby rapped in a blanket. We looked over at him and he said "Regina the baby is going to be staying with you" she smiled and I looked over at Cora. She started crying silently to herself as Regina took the baby. "Regina?" Cora says softly and she turned around. Cora sat up and said "at least let me name her she is my daughter" I look at Regina and said "you should let her name it at least" Regina nods softly and says "can you hold her for me please"

I took the baby and looked down at it. I heard Cora say "name her Zelena" I look up and see Regina now talking to the doctor. Killian came over and said "that's my little sister" I smiled and said "yeah. Here sit henry down in that seat and hold her" he sat henry down in a chair behind him and I gave him the baby. I picked Henry back up and said "you see Henry that's your aunty" Regina came back over and said "everyone her name is Zelena and we are taking her home"

I smiled and pecked Regina's lip. As we are all leaving Cora called my name. I turned around and she said "Emma I'm sorry I punched you. Tell Regina I'm trying to change for her since she was the one I screwed over the most" I looked at her for a couple of seconds. She looked really upset to see her baby being taken away. I walked out and caught up with the other two. Regina was holding Henrys hand and Killian had Zelena. I stood the other side of henry and took his other hand.

"What did she say to you Emma" Regina says while we are walking out of the hospital. I picked Henry up and said "she told me to tell you she is trying to change for you" Regina's eyes teared up and said "she isn't having any another chance. I'm not letting Zelena grow up like me" I kissed her cheek before putting henry in his car seat. Killian handed me Zelena so he could get into the back. I went into the passenger seat and Regina in the driver seat.

I kept hold of Zelena. She was so cute and small. "So how are you going to raise her Gina" I ask while we are driving. Regina looked confused and said "what do you mean" I look over and say "as a sister or a mother" Regina glanced over quickly and said "a sister. She will know why her sister raised her and not her mother when she is old enough" I looked down at her and thought this baby was lucky to get raised by someone like Regina.

Our house would be full now and I wasn't sure where everyone would stay. Killian has one room. Henry has another. Me and Regina share one and Zelena would be with us for a couple of months but will need her own room soon. I stayed looking down at the little baby. Regina's phone got a message.

Agent: we need you and your dog in today for photos. Are you free soon.

I read the message out to her. She sighed and said "seriously they couldn't have picked a worse day" I smiled and said "I can watch Zelena while you go in for a bit. Me and Killian can do it" she didn't seem to convinced. I laughed and said "don't look at me like that I can look after a child. You go to work and I'll watch her" she smiled and nods. Regina dropped us all home then quickly kissed me. I ran in and got Lola before she drove to work.

I had Zelena and Killian was holding Henrys hand. We went into the house and to the living room. "Hey beautiful little girl" I say as I sit down and look at Zelena. She was so small and cute. Killian sat next to me and I handed him the baby. Henry came over and I sat him on my lap. "Mummy what's the baby's name" he says and I smiled before saying "it's a girl and her name is Zelena"

He looked over at her and smiled. I ruffled his hair and he giggled. He looked back at me and I nuzzled his nose. This made him giggle again which made me laugh. I loved him. "I love you kid" I say to him smiling. He smiled back and said "I love you two mummy. When is mum coming home" I shrugged and said "I don't know kid. Hopefully soon" I kissed his nose and started tickling him.

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