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It's half way threw December now. Last year I spent Christmas with my parents and assumed Regina spent it with hers. It turns out Regina doesn't like Christmas. She hasn't since she was a little girl and I don't know why. She was happy for all of us to celebrate but she didn't want any part of it. She went of to work. I quite my little job I had so I can watch the kids while everyone is at work. Me and Killian aren't starting college till January.

Killian had a day of today so now was my time to find out why Regina hated Christmas. We were sat in the living room. I had Zelena sat on my lap and henry was on the floor playing with his train. "Can I ask you something" I say looking over at him. He hummed while nodding. He looked over and I said "why does Regina hate Christmas"

He looked a little upset and says "when Regina was 8 and I was 4 out grandpa died. Regina was very close with him so for Christmas she asked Santa for her grandpa back. Christmas Day came but not grandpa. Of course my mother hated her so she took the mic out of her for asking a dumb gift. Regina never liked Christmas again and every year she sat in her room refusing to join in" this broke my heart hearing this.

I had tears to my eyes since this was so sad. "Ow my god that's awful" I say half shocked half upset. He nodded and said "I use to still buy her a present every year but give it to her the day before or after. I would write I know you don't like Christmas so just think of this as an I love you big sis present" I rested my head on his shoulder feeling so sorry for Regina. I couldn't believe this. A couple hours later Regina came in looking exhausted.

I stood up and kissed her softly. She smile and I said "can we talk upstairs quickly" she nodded and said "yeah is everything ok" I nod and grab her hand. She followed me upstairs and to our room. "What's wrong beautiful" she says while I close the door. I went over to her and said "I know why you don't like Christmas Regina. I just want to know why you won't celebrate it as an adult with us" she looked down upset and went over to the bed. She started talking her heels of.

"I don't celebrate Christmas anymore. I haven't since I was 8 and I'm 22 now" she says not looking up at me. I went over and sat in front of her. "But you know why you didn't get your gift that year" I says softly. She looked up and said "yes I do now but I didn't back then. My mother was horrible about it to me and I hated it. I said I would never celebrate it again because its a pointless holiday" I could tell she was stressed.

I held her hands and she calmed down a bit. I lifted her head to look at me and said "I understand why you did that. She was horrible and you had lost someone close to you" a tear ran down her cheek and she said "when I was 16 my father died. That year he had convinced me to just come down and say hello to people on Christmas and we would work our way up from there. He died before Christmas so I definitely didn't show up. My mother didn't care and asked if I was going to ask Santa for my father back"

Another couple of tears fell down her cheek. I wiped them away and said "they both wouldn't want you to stop celebrating it because there gone. They will always be with you and they are your holiday spirit. They would want you to celebrate it with your son and later on in life your grandchildren" she smiled slightly and more tears fell from her brown eyes. I kissed her softly and she said "I don't know Emma. I just don't know" I nod slightly and say "just think about it ok" she nodded and kissed me again.

Regina stood up and I said "well you need to go downstairs I have to try on my dress for tonight and your not seeing it early" we were going out on a date tonight. Killian was watching the kids. She smiled and kissed me slowly before going down stairs. I got my favourite pink dress out of the closet and put it on. It seemed really tight. Lots of my clothes at the moment feel pretty tight. I loved this dress so much and had nothing else to wear it can't be to tight. "No? No! REGINA" I shout while looking in the mirror.

She came in quickly and said "what's wrong" I looked upset at her and said "my dress won't fit. This is my favourite and it's to tight" I took it of and threw it on the floor. "I have nothing to wear" I say annoyed. She hugged me and said "look we can find something it's ok" I looked into the mirror side on and said "am I getting fatter" she looked shocked and said "in your dreams are you getting fat" I then felt a weird feeling in my stomach.

I rushed to the toilet and threw up. I have been randomly throwing up for weeks now and every morning I will throw up. I don't know what's wrong with me. Regina quickly came in and held my hair back. "Maybe we shouldn't go tonight you seem to sick" she says holding my hair right out of my face. I shook my head and said "no I want to I just need to get it out of my system" I then threw up again. She waited until I stopped before saying "you should get that checked Emma it's been happening for a while"

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