I cant be

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It's been a day since I asked Regina to celebrate Christmas. I woke up to her kissing my cheek. I smiled and rolled over to her. We both leaned in for a kiss but I felt that weird feeling in my stomach again. Before I could kiss her I got up out of bed and ran to the toilet. As I threw up Regina held my hair back. I kept throwing up into the toilet.

It kept coming up. When I finally stopped I wiped the sick from my mouth and stood up. She flushed the chain as I washed my hands. I rinsed my mouth out a couple of times. I stood up straight and she hugged me. "Are you ok beautiful" she asked hugging me. I nod and say "yeah I'm fine" she pulled away and said "we need to get that check out" I shook my head at her. I think I already know what's wrong with me. She looked confused and said "why not Emma"

I take a deep breath and said "I don't want to go. It's probably just a bug I'll stay away from Zelena and Henry" she hugs me and says "well I haven't got work today so I'll stay and look after you" I nod and held her tight. "I need to go to the shop. I have a really bad headache and we run out of pain killers." I say softly. She nodded and we both left the toilets. Before I could go anywhere she grabbed my shoulder and turned me around before kissing me. I hugged her and kissed her back.

"That's because you threw up before our good morning kiss" she says when we pulled away. I smiled and pecked her lips. I looked at the time and saw it was 6:30. I started getting dress and Regina left the room. I put some jeans, white top and red leather jacket. I left the room with my card and went downstairs. "I'm gonna go now coz hardly anyone would be there" I say while looking threw the living room door at Regina holding Zelena. Henry was on the sofa watching tv.

She smiled at me and said "ok don't be to long" I nod and left the house. I went over to my car and drove to the pharmacy. It had just opened and I went in. I looked at the pregnancy tests and didn't know which one to get. "Do you need any help" a woman who worked here asked. I nod and say "do you know which one I should get" she looked over at the front desk quickly before saying to me quietly. "That one. All the others don't work very well" she says pointing at one.

I could tell she wasn't meant to tell me. I smiled and picked it up. She smiled and walked away. I went to the front desk to paid for it. "Anything else" he said and I nod. "Umm box of pain killers please" I say. He gave me some and I paid for them. I left the pharmacy and went home. The pregnancy test I wanted to hide from Regina. I didn't want her knowing. We are meant to be moving next week and if I'm pregnant Regina won't want me helping. She will be over protective about it.

I got in the house and slipped the test into my jacket pocket. I went in and kissed her head from behind as I walked passed to the kitchen. I put the pain killers in the cupboard but took two out first. I did have a headache so I took them. I went back in and said "I'm just gonna go toilet and then I'll be back" she hummed and I went upstairs. I went to the toilet in our room and peed on the stick. I had to wait at least waited 30 seconds before looking.

I hesitate before looking at it. Positive. I'm pregnant. Ow god no. My mouth dropped and I tried to take deep breaths. I can't be pregnant. I threw the stick in the bin and washed my hands. I go down stairs a little shaken and sat next to Regina. She looked over at me and said "are you alright beautiful" I nod and smiled. She didn't seem to convinced. "I'm just still a little sick that's all" I say trying to convince her. She nods and kissed my cheek.

She got up and put Zelena in her cot. Henry got into the floor and played with his toys. She sat next to me and said "ok now tell my the truth" I looked confused and she said "you know you can't lie to me. What's wrong" I looked down and whispered "I'm... I'm" she lifted my head up by putting her fingers under my chin. I looked into her eyes and she said "your what beautiful. There is no reason for you to be afraid of telling me something" she smiled making me smile slightly.

"I'm pregnant with your baby" I say softly. She smiled brighter and said "that's great why are you scared to tell me" i looked upset at her and said "I don't know if I'm a ready for a child. What if I'm not a good mum" Regina pulled me into a hug and whispered "your one of the best mums I've ever met. Don't worry about that because your great with henry" I pulled away and kissed her. I was still worried about having a baby.

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