Set Up

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I haven't chosen the time zone for this yet, so just go with it please!😂


Tobin's POV

"Harry! Where are you, Harry I'm hungry!"

I laughed as I walked out of the bathroom to see my complaining roommate laying across her bed. "You should go get some food." She sat up and looked at me dumbfounded. "You should go with me."

"Well you should have said that Harry. Come on Harry, let's go get some food, we start training tomorrow, are you ready?"

"Ready, ehh I guess, scared is a better word, I know I've done this for so long, but every once and awhile I get nervous, you know? Speaking of nervousness, have you noticed id I've-"

"Hey Al hey Tobs." The way she says my name sent shivers. Alex Morgan, you would think being on teams with her for years things wouldn't be as bad, someone that perfect, that beautiful, it kills me everytime she touches me. "Hey Tobs are you okay, you seem a little umm pale." Alex's hands landed on each of my hips as I started to sway.

"I'm I'm-"


Christen's POV

"So she just passed out?!" I looked at Alex and Allie in disbelief, Alex carried Tobin into my room. Alex touching Tobin, just a weird feeling goes through my body when I think of it.

"Yea, it was weird, I just walked up and she got really pale all of the sudden, odd right?"

Alex smirked as she said the words to me. I guess you could say I was jealous of her. At the same time I don't know I think I had something for her. It was weird. I just couldn't make up my mind. The piercing blue eyes or infectious smile, funny personality or a face that couldn't be anymore perfect.

I know it's odd to like two people who like each other, it's also odd when they're your teammates, makes for some awkward conversations.

"Yea, it is kind of odd I guess." I told her and shrugged my shoulders acting like I didn't get her gesture. She knew I liked Tobin. Tobin likes both of us. Everyone knows, but the question is does Alex like Tobin or does she just like that Tobin likes her?

The smirk wiped off her face as she noticed it didn't bother me. "Harry and I were going to get food!" We both laughed at Allie and shook our heads as we looked at Tobin waking up.

"Hey Tobs, you okay?" I gave her hands a squeeze and she rubbed her eyes as she sat up. "Wh-what happened? Al-Alex... and Chr-Christen, umm..." she looked over at Allie with a face of fear. "I'm going to get food Alex and Christen can watch you."


"Bye Harry." She shut the door and Tobin nervously turned back to us.

"Sooo... umm what's up?" She let out a nervous laugh and scratched the back of her neck. "You okay Tobs?" Alex put her hand on Tobin's upper thigh and looked at her. She has piercing blue eyes, but my green eyes won Tobin over too. I moved my hand to her shoulder and I think Tobin was actually about to explode. "I'm-I'm okay, uhh yea, I'm good I'll uhh, I uh I gotta go to the bathroom." Tobin got up quickly and hurried away. Alex turned to me and was about to talk, but was stopped.

"What's up?" Kelley walked in, thank god for my stanford bud.

"Hey Kelley." Alex smiled at her. She's so fucking fake at times it annoys the hell out of me.

"Hey where's Tobin, I heard she fainted." Kelley said and let out a light laugh. "Yea, it was so odd." Alex said and tried to bother me by smirking, jokes on her if anything it makes me happy not mad, I really need to figure this out. Having feelings for two people is odd, but I guess normal.

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