Plan Mommy

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Brooklyn's POV

"I'll be back in like twenty minutes, that's cool right?" Alex asked me as she got up.

"Yea that's cool, where are you going?"

"Kelley's room. I'll see you in awhile." I watched her walk out and looked over at Sarah nervously.

"Hey about earlier...the whole me finding out-I wasn't mad at all. I'm totally cool with that it's just you didn't give off that vibe at all. You're just different from that sort of type it seemed like and I thought you had a boyfriend-."

"Brooklyn." She placed her hand on my thigh to shut me up. "It's okay. I did have a boyfriend...he was two years older and couldn't have treated me worse which is why I ended things."

"Oh I'm so sorry." She smiled and rubbed my thigh lightly. "It's okay. Having you and Sam as friends makes things so much better."

"Do you have a type?" She shrugged and I let out a ghost like sigh. Tell her! I closed my eyes and reopened them releasing a deep breath.

"I think people like you would be my type though...if I were to chose one." She winked making me even more tense.

"I have a question for you. If you met your mom now would you be happy?" I nodded and a small smile formed on my face. Why the sudden switch in subjects though?

"How do you want to meet her?"

"I just want her to come up to me. I want to be alone of course and I just want to stand in her arms for as long as we can. I want to know why we had to be separated and if possible I would want to be with her again."

"That's beautiful." I nodded. "So are you."

"Brooklyn...why does it seem like every time I try to get closer to you, you push me away?" I frowned and looked down. She wasn't lying.

"I'm afraid. I know I've always told everyone I just haven't found the right person yet, but I know that I have. I'm just too scared to love someone. I'm scared they'll leave me just like my parents did."

"I'm never gonna leave you."

"I know..." I took in a deep breath and turned to meet her gaze with mine. "Just as a friend do you love me?"

"I love you as a friend." I love you as more than a friend too, but I can't bring myself to say it out loud.

"Okay." She gave me small smile and looked out the window. "You trust me right?"

"Yea of course." I nodded and she remained to stare out the window silently. "Why did you choose Alex to go with you to eat with your dad?"

"I don't know. I guess I trust her more than any of my other teammates." I shrugged and looked away from her. One why does it matter two? Two why did I ask Alex?


"Alex, I never actually asked you if you're comfortable going with me to eat with my dad. I just sprung it on you and it was sort of hard to say no to, but if you don't want to I'm completely okay with that."

"Do you want someone else there?"

I nodded and smiled. "Either you or Christen...I trust the two of you the most."

"Well you chose if you want me to, I'm there. Just say and I'll go."

I smiled and nodded. "Please go."

"Okay if you insist." She winked and cracked a smile. "Come here." She opened her arms and I ran into them.

"Thanks for being like this Alex. I didn't expect this at all when I came into this camp."

"I didn't expect anything like this to happen when I came into camp either trust me." She let out a light laugh and looked down at me.

"Come on let's go lay down." We jumped in her bed and I laid my head on her stomach and looked at the ceiling.

"What can you tell me about him?"

"Well quite honestly, he's not a bad guy. I don't think I got all my looks from him. I definitely got my eyes from my mom."

"How come?"

"His eyes are green. He's like six foot four. He has paid for all of my soccer stuff since we've met which I'm beyond thankful for. Although he did mention that he wished I played basketball instead."

"Did he play basketball?" I nodded and turned to lay the side of my face against the bare skin on her stomach.

"Alex I wish you were my mom. I wish that I was able to play soccer with her. I wish I could lay in bed and talk to her like I do with you."


I took in a deep breath and sighed. "I guess my dad is actually a pretty good person. I mean atleast he did reach out to me. He told me he couldn't tell me who my mom was. I guess I respect that like he does her."

I looked up at Alex and her eyes were closed. It looked like a tear had rolled down her cheek.

"Are you okay Alex?"

"Yea. I'm fine. It's just kinda makes me sad. Your situation, I'm really sorry I didn't plan on crying like this when I'm supposed to be here to help you get through this stuff-."

"You're helping so much by going. I've already been through this, I'm immune I guess. You're not the first person who has asked me about my parents."

"Yea I doubt I would be."

"What are you parents like?"

"Amazing. Caring. I love them soo much."

"I bet I would have too."

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