What's the Plan Jan?

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Sam's POV
"I'm sorry she rarely talks about him to like anyone!" I sighed and shook my head. How could I forget about him? "How did you find out?"

"It came up and now I have a lunch date with Brooklyn and her dad in five days!" Alex began to pace nervously and I sat silently for a minute thinking.

"So we obviously have to figure out how to tell her in four days." Alex nervously nodded as she watched for any more responses out of me. "Any ideas?" She looked at me expectingly and so I nodded.

"Brooklyn has seemed really open to you...you have to tell her after the game. That's gonna be the best time, I promise."

"You're completely sure about this?"

"No..." Alex sighed and shook her head. "What happens when she doesn't take it well?"

"I don't know..." I felt bad not only for Alex in this situation but also Brooklyn. I thought I knew her so well and I've been no help to Alex. Alex looked at the ground silently. She was obviously nervous, which is completely understandable, but at the same time I can't help her with any of her problems.

Alex, now especially, definitely had things harder than Christen, but from the looks of it so far she could totally get through this. She was just going to have to tell her sooner than we all thought.

I quietly got up and excused myself from the room. She probably needs time alone. Plus Brooklyn and Mallory will probably be back soon. I think Brooklyn likes Mallory, but I might be wrong. Her whole 'I just haven't found the right person yet' thing is totally a lie. She has a thing with this girl Sarah and the biggest crush on an older girl named Haley.

"Hey, did you and Alex get things sorted out." I gave Christen a small shrug and flopped onto the bed next to her. "I'm tired...Is Mal a fragile person?"

"Sort of why?" Christen looked at me perplexed of where the question came from and it hurt me to admit this to her. "I'm afraid Brooklyn might hurt her."

"Oh...why?" A frown grew on my face and I shook my head. "I promise she doesn't mean to, but she's notorious for making people think that she's interested then if they make a move she gets upset sometimes and shuts them out. I really don't want that for her."

"Just curious...do you have any faults like that?" A small smile grew on my face and my cheeks darkened. "I guess...I'm not always the nicest if I'm honest. I don't know what my faults are..."

Before either of could say more we heard a few quick knock at the door. Christen gave a confused look before getting up and walking to open the door.


"We have team bonding again, why the hell Lindsey, Kelley, and Pinoe are so insistent I have no idea."

"Where this time?"

"Meeting room." I rolled my eyes quickly changed when I saw my friend standing behind Alex. A small smile met mine, but quickly grew omce it processed mine.

"Come on Sam." I jumped up and followed Christen out of the room. As much as I hate team bonding I'm starting to love it.

After a few knocks on the door we watched it open and walked into a room waiting for the four of us. "Why do you all look so eager to be in here?" Brooklyn rolled her eyes and smiled at me.

"Hey Brooklyn...sorry they're making me ask you this...can you sing one song. Sam saysyou have a good voice. We really just wanna hear you sing."

Brooklyn turned her head and looked at me annoyed. I gave her a small shrug and smile. "One song." Everyone smiled and some seemed a little too excited.

Mallory was blushing lightly. It is odd to me that she would change her mind and sing for her.

"You had me hooked again from the minute you sat down
The way you bite your lip
Got my head spinnin' around
After a drink or two
I was putty in your hands
I don't know if I have the strength to stand"

Brooklyn looked at me and I shook my head. I knew exactly who she was singing about. The only reason she began to sing. Sarah.

"Oh oh oh, trouble troublemaker yeah
That's your middle name, oh oh oh
I know you're no good but you're stuck in my brain"

Brooklyn looked over at Mallory and winked. No, this child can't stop flirting with people. If she leads on yet another person I will personally beat her.

"And I wanna know, why does it feel so good but hurt so bad?
Whoa, my mind keeps saying, 'run as fast as you can'
I say I'm done but then you pull me back
Whoa, I swear you're giving me a heart attack, troublemaker
It's like you're always there in the corners of my mind
I see a silhouette every time I close my eyes
There must be poison in those finger tips of yours
'Cause I keep comin' back again for more
Oh oh oh, trouble troublemaker yeah
That's your middle name, oh oh oh
I know you're no good but you're stuck in my brain
And I wanna know, why does it feel so good but hurt so bad
Whoa, my mind keeps saying 'Run as fast as you can'
I say I'm done but then you pull me back
Whoa, I swear you're giving me a heart attack, troublemaker
Why does it feel so good but hurt so bad?
Whoa, my mind keeps saying, 'un as fast as you can' (troublemaker)
I say I'm done but then you pull me back
Whoa, I swear you're giving me a heart attack, troublemaker."

I love that song, but I couldn't hate it anymore at the moment. Brooklyn is a troublemaker. I looked over at Mallory and Lindsey was whispering something.

"Okay you can really sing...like really good."
Brooklyn gave a small shrug and an arrogant smirk. Sam we all have our flaws calm down.

I sighed and this caught Brooklyn's attention. She looked over at me and the sly smirk quickly disappeared and she seemed to humble up real quick. She's not gonna act like this with this team, not on my watch.

"So when do you start singing?" Mallory looked at her like a girl gushing over a quarterback and I almost gagged.

"I was in choir, but I sang a song so we can drop it now. Why do you all meet as team so often do you even know what alone time is?"

"Nope." Kelley smiled and Brooklyn rolled her eyes. Now she's mad, but she has no right. Ever since we started camp she's acted different, so I have one question:


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