Chapter 3

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Once again I am super bored and I'm so hooked on doing this I was like why not?! So without further to do I introduce you to the third installment of Only Time Will Tell a svtfoe fanfic.

I do not own these characters, they belong to Daron Nefcy and Disney. Neither do I own The YouTube video. Enjoy!

It was a beautiful day on the land of Mewni on the day of the ball. Guests lined up outside the gate to the palace to join the part of the century. Usually, the princess birthday ball was held at the end of the week, on her birthday, but since this was a special occasion, it should be held tonight. All the Suitors came best dressed, all boasting about how they would win the princess's heart. What they did not know was The heart of the maiden had already been stolen a long time ago.

Marco Diaz came to Mewni a few hours before the ball. Since Marco had done a great service to the Butterfly Family, Marco was not only granted early access, but VIP treatment. Naturally, many people, ecspecialy the men his age, treated him as an outcast because of his relationship with Star, but it didn't bother him all that much. He didn't come to make friends, but to be there for his lover.

Marco entered the palace in the main ballroom. Staff was rushing in and out of the room, fetching supplies or decorations for the final touches. The ball room was covered in dimly lit white lights and beautiful blue flowers pranced from Tables and on the ceiling. The ceiling had been opened to reveal all the constellations and moons to make it seem even more magical. The throwns were set up near the front of the room with Queen Moon and King River already sitting there talking, hand in hand. Queen Moon had her hair done up, as expected, with a deep blue, almost black ball gown on with pearls to compliment the dress. She looked like the night sky itself and it suited her perfectly. River on the other hand matched her look to also fit the theme.

Marco walked up to them, bowing when he neared them.

"Queen Moon, King River, it is always a pleasure to see you again. And might I add, you look spectacular tonight." He kissed Moon's hand respectfully and shook River's hand.

"Marco it it's great to see you again. If you didn't mind we set you up in the front with the rest of you and Star's friends this year. We needed to keep everything.....fair this year." Confused Marco asked," Fair, about wh-"

"THE GUEST HAVE ARRIVED!" The king and queen stood and smiled as they greeted to guests. Marco looked around, there were so many boys this year, which was odd because Star's birthdays were usually Friends and Family. It seemed this year the entire kingdom were here? Reluctantly, Marco took a seat and watched guest pour in the room.

Upstairs, Star put her evening gown on with the respectful jewelery and shoes on. Her hair was braided on the sides and curled every where else. She was a true beauty. She put makeup on, for the first time in ages, and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked beautiful, but she didn't feel it. She couldn't cry because he makeup would be ruined and she didn't want to put it on again. She asked to be alone and went out to the balcony and looked into the kingdom before her. Her Kingdom. Her and Her Husband's Kingdom. She sighed. This wasn't right, she didn't want to marry, but she didn't want to disappoint her mother. She was truly at a crossroads.

"Oh Marco, I wish you were here with me to hold me, to comfort me, to tell me everything would be alright. I miss you Marco...."

She definitely wasn't going to cry 20 minutes before her grand entrance. She was Star Butterfly, (Future) Queen of Mewni. Wife to Someone downstairs. But she really wanted to be 14 year old rebel princess on Earth.

Marco, still confused by the Queen's words soon shrugged it off as some mere political standard. Anyways, Janna, Tom, Kelly, Jackie, Ruberiot, Oskar, and the others sat at the VIP section to cheer their friend on. Jackie and Marco had broken up a little after Junior year, but they ended things on good terms. They were as good as friends as ever. Anyways, the group chatted on past events, their lives now, and things that would seem strange to others but them. Still though, Marco couldn't shake off the bad feeling in his stomach.

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