Chapter 13

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Yay chapter 13. What more can I say than Thank you and that I love you all? Because all of it is so true. I really appreciate all of you and the support you have given. And without further action, I give you Chapter 13💖

*I don't own anything but the plot. The picture and the characters belong to their rightful owners*

"So where do I fit into this story," Marco asked getting quite bored with Toffee. He saw the report. Moon was sick, maybe dying, the kingdom was in complete disarray, and people started to downgrade Star, before she had time to rule.

He wish he was by her side, there to comfort her and hold her, to tell her he was here for her, alas he was stuck here. Luckily Toffee was generous enough not to starve him and actually kept him well fed, and provided him showers and clothes.  He even had a bed, and cable. Toffee may be a lizard, but he wasn't completely heartless.

"I'm going to let you go," Toffee said bluntly. He looked at the wall, emotionless. He kept his hands behind his back, like always.

"Wait, what?" Marco shook his head, begging to laugh. "Toffee stop playing around, that isn't cool bro." Marco continued laughing, only softer. One might have  thought that Marco would've been hopeless and dejected, at this point in time, but somehow he still had high spirits.

"Marco, why would I lie to you?"

"Um let me think....Oh yeah! You tricked Star into letting her out of the realm of magic, when you just left her there to die. You killed Moon's momma when she was there to sign a peace you want me to continue?" Toffee smiled.

"Marco has anyone told you that you are a clever young boy? You're fit for a Knight, a king even....but why do you torture yourself?"

"Hm?" Marco began to listen, wanting to you wanting to know what the lizzard had to say.

"Why do you put yourself before others? You came back to Mewni for a girl who left you on countless occasions and she eventually found someone else other than you, but you stayed anyways. You have the power to go anywhere in the galaxy, yet you stay here for her. Kinda stupid if you ask me."

"Shut up," Marco muttered.

"Suit yourself." Toffee unlocked the chains on Marco's wrist with a key that was in his pocket, freeing him.

"Why are you letting me go?" Marco asked, with a hint of curiosity.

"Because you love her. And I too once loved a Butterfly...."Toffee trailed off.

"You like Moon?" Marco asked, grimacing.

"No, " Toffe sighed," I fell in love with the queen of Darkness."

"How's she doing," Star said pacing the floors of her parents room. The doctor stood next to Moon, checking her vitals.

"She'll live....but she'll be very weak, I'm afraid. But the queen is Strong, I know she can do it." He smiled, with determination.

"Thank you, you can leave now." The Doctor bowed and made his way towards the door before looking back," Um princess...can I have a word with you please?"

"Sure," She patted her father on the back and kissed her Mother's head tenderly.  She and the doctor walked towards the garden, to insure privacy.

"Is it about Mom," Star asked me bitterly. She was expecting the worst news the Doctor could give. She already mentally prepped herself for the worst.

"Quite the contrary actually," he said with a small grin." It's about Marco... he's alive and well an-"

"Marco? Where is he, how do you know," she asked in a hushed tone, trying to contain her excitement.

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