Chapter 8

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Sorry that I was gone for a long time. School is a bother and all these test are a pain in my butt. But you know the drill here is chapter 8. Oh and thank you all so much for the kind words and encouragement it means so much to me. Thank you all so much!💖

I don't own anything including the pictures and the characters.  Enjoy!
Janna and Tom were just chilling in the underworld. The two were very close and as a result started living together as boyfriend and girlfriend in Tom's palace. There was no doubt that they would end up together ruling as King and Queen Lucitor. But for now it was Tom Lucitor and Janna Ordonia(That's actually her last name!)

Back in the Underworld, Tom and Janna had nothing better to do but sit and watch TV.

"Tom... I'm bored dude."

"What do you want me to do your Highness?"

"I was thinking you know,"she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Oh," was all Tom could say.

"Yeah teach me trigonometry!" The duo laughed." How about we go up Earth and go see a movie," Janna suggested. Now that Janna basically bunked with her boyfriend, she rarely went back to her home. To her Earth was boring and unexciting.

"I don't know Janna, I don't like Earth all that much. Humans are aggravating." He instantly regretted what he said.

"Oh so I'm aggravating? My friends are aggravating? My family is aggravating...well now that I think about it my family is a pain the behind....fair point." They sat in silence.

"I wonder what star and Marco are doing," chimed in Tom. "Maybe we could have a double date? Go to the beach, torture teenagers. You know, the usual?"

"I do like torturing teenagers," Janna said giving in. "Let me text Star." She grabbed her phone and texted Star.

Hey Star me and Tom want to go to the beach....wanna come with. We can torture teenagers 😂

Janna I'm kinda in the middle or something right now. I wish I could but you know I'm busy all the time...

Aww come on Star, you're always working yourself to death, just this once go with us.

Janna I can't. And I'm pretty sure Marco isn't in the mood to go either...

Relationship problems?


Wanna talk about it?

.....yeah. I need a Friend right now...

Wanna go to the cemetery?

Yeah that'll be fine.... I'll see you in 10...

Janna got up from the couch.

"Janna where are you going?"

"Can't talk right now Star needs me."

"So what am I gonna do all day," he whined.

"I don't know play with your bunny, go torture people." And with that she grabbed her stuff and left Tom by herself.

Time Skip

"MARRIED?!" Janna screamed out loud. "You're getting married to someone else and not Marco," she said baffled. Star sniffled.

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