Chapter 9

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You know the drill. I don't anything they rightfully (Is that a word?) Belong to their owners. I just own the plot. And like always Enjoy💖

"We need to talk."

The room was dead silent. The movie had been paused, Janna and Tom stood in the back of the room, afraid to say anything at all, and Marco and Star merely stared at each other. Neither of them obviously didn't know where to start or what to say, and both of them seemed fairly upset and confused.


"Hey." Once again dead one knew what to do or what to say and it seemed as if no one even wanted to say anything for that matter . Marco and Star continued to look at their feet as if that was the most interesting thing in the room for the time being. It was around a minute and a half when Star broke the tension.

"Marco why don't we go somewhere...."


Star grabbed her jacket and her phone and waved Janna and Tom as she walked out the door, Marco following behind her. Tom and Janna let out a huge sigh after they felt like Marco and Star were long gone.

"That was so weird," was all they could say.

Butterfly Castle Gardens

Neither Star nor Marco talked on there way back. It was like they were mad at each other, yet they missed each other so much, where they didn't want to be apart for any longer. They sat on a bench. The stars and the multiple moons glowed in the infinite sky. You could see everything for as far as the eye could see. It was definitely a beautiful night. Unfortunately, For Star and Marco all was hell.

Star sighed heavily. She didn't want to cry because she didn't want to be seen as weak, although Marco would never think less of her if she did. It was human nature after all.

"I'm sorry..." Was all she could manage. And with no hesitation at all, she blonde began to sob. It was a sob so soft and so gentle that it seemed as if it were a movie. She cried so beautifully, Marco couldn't do anything but embrace her tightly.

"Why are you sorry for something that you didn't do?"

That was a very important question that Star pondered on for a while as she cried in Marco's chest. She assumed this was all her fault for breaking his heart, for ruining his world, for making him upset, although it wasn't her intention. She planned on getting married to him not Axel. She had it all planned out actually. She and Marco would get married and they would live there lives as King and Queen with a family of their own.

Yet she still felt guilty as if she had a say in this. If only she had more time perhaps. To convince her parents that she wanted to marry for love, not to satisfy her people. She thought maybe a few more extra months even a year at the least would give her time to change something. But there wasn't....she had a few months before she was doomed into a marriage that she wasn't intended to be in. And it was expected of her to spend time with her "fiance" as her people and especially her parents expected appearances before the wedding day. Her day's as a carefree adult was over.

"I'm sorry," was all she could sob out. Her breathing was labored and she developed a slight headache consequently from Crying so much. She had to stop herself or she would have a full on panic attack.

Marco said nothing. He merely consoled her and caressed her hair and whispered sweet things into her ears to calm her. Eventually her breathing did even out, and she could talk.

"What are we going to do?"

" I don't know..."

" I don't want to do it Marco, I can't!"

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