Chapter 17

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Yay 7 chapters. Ok so I'm writing this in September, by the time you're reading this chapter 16 was published in October. And this should be out by November. I hope y'all don't mind monthly uploads. I think it's just easier on me do I don't have to rush myself to get something out every other week. But yeah that's all I got to say about that. Without further ado, (is that how you say it😂😂😂) I give you Chapter 17!

How long had it been? Minutes, hours, days, months? However long, it was, it didn't matter. Moon was dead, River was mentally unstable, a wedding had been pushed back to another week. It was bad enough that Tom and Janna couldn't get married, so Star couldn't occupy herself with wedding festivities. It was absolutely dreadful. The palace was bleeke and gray. The staff worked with their heads lowered. The halls were no longer joyful and whimsical.

The only place where Star was a little happy, was the garden. She didn't know what it was, but it comforted in some strange way. At this very moment, she was sitting in the garden, talking to whomever would listen. She said softly,

"It's a beautiful day isn't it? How could such a pretty day, hold so much sadness?" She wiped a single tear from her face, and looked at the sky.


Star was interrupted by her thoughts, when her phone vibrated. She took her phone out of the pocket of her dress

Hey. Where are you?

Star sighed. She didn't want her time to be interrupted

In the garden why?
Is everything ok?

I'm on my way. Don't worry. I love you

Star smiled. Marco had been so supportive these past few days. He never pressured her to smile or say anything, he held her hand while she worked, when she slept, he held her in his arms. She couldn't ask for anything better.

It didn't take long for Marco to walk to the gardens. He carried some snacks, what looked like a jewelry box, and various other things. She looked perplexed, confused even.

Did I forget something?

Marco smiled warmly. "Hey." He kissed her on the cheek.

"Hey," she murmured. "What's that?"

"Oh... it's just stuff for our anniversary."

Star's face paled. She forgotten their anniversary. " Marco," she groaned," I'm so sorry I didn't mean to forget an-," Marco cut her off  and hugged her," You Don't have to apologise. I don't expect you to give me anything at all. "

Star started to sob. "I'm so sorry Marco.... I miss her so much."

"I know....I miss her too"
He put the various trinkets and snacks next to her.

"First I got you your favourite cereal. Because you love it." He sat that next to her. "Then I thought that it would be nice for you to have a necklace that matched your blue eyes. And....I thought of your mom and I got a moon."  He brought out a beautiful necklace.  And put it around her neck. Star's eyes welled with tears.

 Star's eyes welled with tears

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