Chapter 7

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Hey guys I'm back. I told y'all I would update soon. Without further introduction, I introduce Chapter 7.

*I don't own anything*
Star's P.O.V.
I woke up from my bed. I had a slight headache but I'm pretty sure it's just from me waking up so quick. I look over to Marco, he's sleeping peacefully, his hair is a mess, there's drool all over his face. It's too adorable not to look at. So instead of moving and risk waking him up, I watched him sleep. Like can you blame me? It's rude to wake Someone up!

I look over to the open balcony doors. The Mewni humidity has already set in and I can tell it's one of those days where your hair frizzes everywhere and you're sticky and Don't want to be touched or do anything. Those are the days I hate having princess duties because I have to wear all those corsets and heavy fabrics. Once I become queen, I'm wearing shorts.

Quickly I got bored and decided to get out of bed. I might as well get ready for today. I probably have another princess class today. It's not that I hate them, it's just they're so long and so boring. It's like Math class all over again but without the math and more "pinkies up" and "sit up straight". I would give everything to be 14 again. Instead of complaining though, I make my way to the bathroom. Just in case Marco doesn't walk in (again!) I lock the door.

After I take a shower, brush my teeth and my hair, and put on a light (but mature) dress on, I go back to my room. I expected Marco to be Still sleep, but there he was sitting up on the bed, watching me come out of the bathroom.

"Glad I already got dressed or you would've saw me in a towel," I giggle. I walk over to him and give a kiss on the cheek." Good morning Marco."

"Good morning my princess." Gosh that voice, the way he puts his fingers in his hair or how he laughs, I almost fail at hiding a blush. I sit next to him on the bed, not really knowing what to say.

"I had fun dancing last night," I say quietly.

"Me too," he takes my hand and smiles at me. We sit in silence for a while before he gets up.

"I'm going to get ready, then we can go downstairs to get some breakfast."

"Don't be slow you goofball, you take forever in the shower and I'm hungry!" He laughs," As you say your Highness." He closes the door behind him. I fall back on the bed, staring at the ceiling, nothing particular in mind.

"I hope things are like this forever." I hear a knock on my door. It's soft, but it sounds urgent in a way. Reluctantly, I get out of bed, smooth my hair out along with my dress and rush to the door.

"You highness, good morning, umm...your parents wish to speak with you right this moment you Highness." It's only Julie, one of my Lady's maids. I rarely make her do my clothes or dress me for bed because she shouldn't have to do stuff for me when I'm capable of doing it myself.

"Good Morning Julie. Thank you for the message, I'll be down once Marco gets ready." She curtsies quickly before turning and running off into the distance, her shoes clicking every so often on the hard floor.......I wonder what the rush was about. With no worry on my mind I flop back on to the bed, waiting for Marco to hurry and get out.

Marco's P.O.V.

I get in the shower for about 10 Minutes. Not so long to keep Star waiting, but not so short where I still smell like sweat. It gets really hot here in Mewni. While I'm in the shower I think about me and Star's future. I'm not too worried about the whole Betrothal thing because Star told me not to worry. I shouldn't worry Because I trust her and I don't want her to think I don't trust her.

I get out of the shower. I expected to hear Star singing or maybe practicing a spell but I hear nothing. I hope she didn't leave me. Maybe I'm just skeptical. So I proceeded to put my deodorant on, shave, brush my teeth, dry my hair, and put on an outfit other than a hoodie and jeans. Instead I settle for a polo and a nicer pair of jeans and shoes, just in case of any delegates or very important people visiting.

As I step out of the bathroom Star sits up.

"I thought you were gone already, you were so quiet. Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. We better hurry though, my parents want me at breakfast right now. Maybe they just really miss me or something." She manages a smile. Man, do I love her Smile.

"Are you ready to go? Marco? MARCO?!" She's waving her hand in front of my face. I blink and start to blush deeply.

"I'm sorry, just started daydreaming. Yeah lets go!" I took her hand and we walked together to breakfast.

Star's P.O.V

Me and Marco walk arm in arm as we make our way through the castle. As we pass by every monumental landmark in the castle, I remember the adventures me and Marco had in these halls when we were just teenagers. We were laughing and running, with not a care in the world. Now we're walking like a king and a queen on their way to a luncheon. Either way, it's the best feeling in the world.

"Hey remember when we tore the picture of my 12th great grandma?" I look over at Marco to see him smile in remembrance.

" The we blamed it on Glossyarick?" He laughed and it was basically music to my ears. I laugh along with him, not wanting this moment to end.

"Oh, remember when Janna burned the Stump and we almost died?" I smile, it was my 15th birthday and I could've died, yet I find it amusing.

"Then the year after we had to make Stump day even better so we wouldn't die!" We laugh in unison as we finnaly make it to the double doors of the dining room. We look at each other.

"After you Princess Butterfly," Marco holds the door for me.

"Why thank you Sir Diaz," I giggle and enter the room. There I see Mom and Papa of course, but some other guy. I've never seen him before.

"Mom, Papa, I didn't know diplomats we're going to be here today. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, I just wanted to walk with Marco and-" I'm cut off by Mom. The stranger bows his head deeply and kisses my hand.

"Star, this is Sir Ansel of the Nixon family from the far west. He's here to speak of some.... important matters." Marco steps behind me and grabs my hand. I give him a reassuring squeeze.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Princess. I'm glad to make your acquaintance."

"Please call me Star, Sir. And may I introduce you to Marco Diaz of Earth?" He glares at Marco, a subtle glare yes, but a glare I'm not fond of. Instantly, he holds his hand out to shake Marco's hand and puts on a false smile.

"Ansel Nixon, it's nice to meet you," he says through gritted teeth. Marco also puts on a false smile.

"Marco Diaz, Star's Boyfriend."

Ooooooh drama. This is where the plot thickens. I hope you liked this chapter. I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I'm glad I put my heart into it. Thank you all for the kind words and for all the people that read this. You guys inspire me to keep writing and that's amazing.

I'm Still looking for suggestions for the new title and I'm open to anything. Once again thank you guys for everything. We got over 100 views and the other day and it made my day knowing that this wasn't pointless at all. So with that big milestone the next chapter will be a little longer. So it may take a little while to update.

Can you believe I deleted the whole thing and had to go to a saved point just to save the whole chapter. Honestly I would've been pissed if it deleted. 😂😂😂

Thank you for everything and I'll see y'all in the next update. a user

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