Chapter 6

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So funny story. I was writing this chapter for the longest and I absolutely despised it so I deleted it and started over. Idk it seemed rushed to me and it isn't fair to you guys. So i rewrote Chapter 6. So here it is once again. And yes, what I was going to publish previously will eventually be another chapter. It just didn't feel right to start it out like that. So without further to do I give you Chapter 6.

I don't own anything they belong to their respective authors, Creators, ect.


It was another beautiful day in Butterfly Kingdom. Blue skies, Fair winds, it was truly a perfect day. Too bad Star and Marco were still cooped up in her room with a temporary illness.

"Marco, have you ever thought about....well you know.... having children? Not Now! No definitely not now, just when you're ready to settle down," Star asked, her face Redding.
Marco thought about this for a second. He definitely wanted Children, but with him being, well not a Mewman, he didn't know if him and Star could have Children of their own. And they couldn't just adopt. They have to have their own biological children to secure the royal blood line.

"Star I really do want Children one day, but are we.....compatible enough? I mean physically? I wouldn't want you to be sad, or in a predicament you wouldn't want to be in."

"I know what you mean..... I've been thinking about it alot lately. And with me soon to be married.... it's mind boggling. Like soon I have to have more of those weird classes they made us take back in highschool.... remember that? They separated the girls and the boys. I was so confused and you had to ask your mom to explain it to me all over again?"

"I sure do."

"I didn't talk to you for like a week..... I ate dinner in my room, I avoided you," she giggled. " How have your parents been?"

"You know, the usual. They've been traveling a lot lately. They're hardly at home sometimes. I wouldn't be suprised if they weren't some place far off right now."

"I wish I could see them again. I miss their free spirits, they weren't so stuck on public opinion, or what people though about them. Whatever they did, they did it with a passion. I wish my parents were like that sometimes....."

Marco hugged her, comforting her." It's ok. You have amazing parents and I bet if they weren't under so much pressure, they'd be so proud of you. I'm pretty sure they are proud of you, but they're so busy."

They didn't say anything after that. They kept quiet, listening to the world outside. Star longed to go outside, play in the garden, tend to Eclipsa's flowers, something to keep her busy. Staying in her room wasn't enough. Yeah she could conjure up any spell to do anything she wanted whenever she wanted to, but she had to use her magic responsibly.

"Pillow fight?" Marco suggested.

A smirk spread across Star's face.

"You're on."

Time Skip

Hours passed by slowly and the day was slowly fading away into night. Moon and River agreed that Star and Marco would be allowed out of quarantine tomorrow morning. The two couldn't wait until the could get some fresh air after so long.

"Truth or Dare?"


"Have you ever....hmmm... I'm out of questions. It's official, I'm bored!"

"Same here"

"What time is it?"

"Like 10 almost 11."

"Are you tired?"

It was horrible. Nothing was happening and neither of them were tired. It wasn't until Star looked up at the sky that she had an idea.

"Marco, Look up at the moon." Marco looked up at the moon. It was shimmering and red, Marco starred in complete aw. It was beautiful.

"I thought....I thought the moon was once every six hundred years or something, why is this happening?"

"Who cares," Star said jumping to her feet," I have a perfect idea." Star then used her wand to transform the room into a ballroom. Her clothes were replaced with a beautiful ball gown similar to that of the Ball years ago, only modified slightly. Marco's hoodie and jeans were also no longer present as he were now in a black and white tux, a mask, and his hat.

The waltz began, the two took their places.

"May I have this dance Marco Diaz?"

"It would be an absolute pleasure to dance with you your majesty." The two danced in Union as the waltz continued. They were both lost in each other's eyes.

"You know what?"

"Yeah Star?"

" The moon is what made me realized how much I didn't want to be away from you ever again."

"Me too"


"Queen Moon, King River."

" Lord Ansel, thank you for meeting us at such short notice."

"It is not a problem your majesty."

"You see, Star has come of age recently and she has to be married soon. The people are restless and antsy to see someone younger to secure the thrown. River and I aren't getting any younger and it's good for Star to have a husband before anything drastic happens....we need you to Marry our daughter Sir."

" Queen Moon it will be an honor for me to the your Daughter's hand in marriage. I will do everything to make sure I'm a suitable husband and ruler for Mewni."

" We trust you very much Sire. You may stay at the palace as this is your home now. But assuming by the time of day, you'll be coming in the morning. Star will be in perfect health to meet you when you come back."

"I'm sure of it My Queen."

"Goodnight Sir Ansel." Asnsel left the room, leaving Moon and River alone.

"I can't believe we're doing this," River mumbled." We're basically throwing our daughter into a marriage when she already has a suitable young Man who treats her better than a dozen Queens combined, yet we give her to someone that agrees with the people."

"River, we've talked about this. As much as I love Marco, we can't risk any backlash that can cost the thrown or her safety. She has to marry Ansel and soon."

" We had a chance of love, why can't our daughter. It's a new generation. People are more open, traditions don't matter to anyone. Can't we just let her Marry Marco?"

"This conversation is over. I suggest you get some rest."

"I thought you were different than that," River left the room in silence.

Back in Star's room
Star and Marco were laying on the floor, staring up at the sky.

" I hope things never change"

"Me too Star....Me too."


That's it for now. I'm sorry I haven't updated. You would not believe how many times I've written and rewritten this chapter. I've had a huge case of writer's block and I went to an amazing book festival today and they were talking about getting through writer's block. So I decided to come back and finish this chapter for you guys. Please don't expect an update anytime soon, I can't make any promises, but I'll work harder to give you a chapter you deserve.

And like Always I'll see you in the next update💖

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