Chapter 15

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Yay 15 chapters *happy dances* by the time you see this I'll probably have another chapter already written. But yeah we've made it this far.

*I don't own the picture or the characters or the music. they belong to their respective owners*

It was another antagonizing day for River. Moon still had not woken up from her medical induced coma, even though the doctors established that she should've waken up by now. It was grueling that nothing happened and he spent all this time dedicated to his wife that was still sleeping. He could've helped his daughter with political affairs, or at least do some of his Wife's work while she was sleep.

Yet every single time he'd decide to leave out the chair next to her bed, she'd make a sudden movement or  mumble something incoherent in her sleep, and he'd led himself to believe that this was a sigh that she would wake soon. He did this days on end, and he began to lose sleep himself. It got bad to the point where soon enough, he began to lose weight.

Thankfully, Star told him that what he was doing wasn't healthy, and that his wife wouldn't want him to be this way. She suggested that he should leave the palace for a day or two, to get out and enjoy the beautiful world as it was. And as much as he wanted to disagree, he simply couldn't say no to his daughter.

But once again, he was stuck in the cycle again. He was about to leave out the double doors and would do something productive with his life, and to never look back, when then the unimaginable
happened. She stirred in her sleep and woke up.

"River....."she croaked. She barely opened her eyes and her breathing was labored. He ran towards her side, in panic.

" are you?" He mentally kicked himself as she cringed,  but quickly moved the hair from her beautiful crystal eyes and, kissed her  head ever so tenderly. He gave her a warm smile, to show that he was brave and everything was going to be ok.

"Everything.....hurts." She closed her eyes, but she wasn't going to go to sleep yet. She took deep breaths, even though she knew her oxygen wouldn't let her down. River kissed her again and this time she smiled at him.

"Where's my baby, River?" Moon's eyes shifted towards every corner of the room, expecting Star to be right next to her husband. She sighed softly, knowing her daughter probably resented her. " She must hate me River.... I-I don't know what came over me an-" River quieted Moon, so she didn't get too worked up.

"Darling she's only getting ready for Tom's wedding. She'll be back shortly, I'm sure of it." He kissed her on the cheek. " Besides, she's been here every single chance she's had in between the wedding and work. She doesn't hate you."

"Am I going to be able to go to the wedding," she asked curiously.  River frowned weakly and shook his head.  Of course she expected him to say that, but she still wanted to go. Tom was like a son to her, and she wasn't about to miss his special day that quick. Even if he wasn't marrying her daughter as she wanted him to.

"I'm sorry Moon-Pie we just can't risk it. Everyone understands that you're resting." He held her hand and gave it a weak, but also strong squeeze.  He sighed deeply 

"I missed you so much Moon. I never realized what my world was like without you." He wiped a few tears away, as his voice cracked. Even though Moon was weak at the moment, she cupped River's cheek, to comfort her. He didn't leave her side for what seemed like years, although it was hours.

Alas, the bittersweet moment was interrupted by a knock on the door. River grunted and looked at the doors with great animosity, for ruining the special moment.

"Come in."

The great double doors revealed Axel, coming into the room quite self assured and full of himself as usual.

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