RBTD (01) Discovering a New Lifestyle

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  • Dedicated to Rhiannon Middernacht

>>Hardening 01 -Discovering a Newlifestlye-

The arrow piercing my back stung more than anything you could ever imagine. The previous events that just occurred swirled in my mind so fast reality and dreams became nothing but a black and white blur. I couldn’t see very well, the glass in the right side of my glasses were shattered by the situation I had tried to overcome with the bandits. I couldn’t believe what had just happened a few moments ago.


Dead people were walking around eating living people. It looked like something right out of a horror tale! They ripped people apart without remorse or thought… They themselves were missing body parts, limbs, even parts of their face. Many of them had random things stabbed into them like screwdrivers and glass. Sometimes you would find one with a gun or sword. Despite the living peoples’ struggle, it seemed it was all for naught.


Also, people made their own little tribe. It was a very harsh and cruel tribe. If you didn’t

meet their standards, you were murdered right on the spot. They raped my mother and forced me to watch as well. My uncle couldn’t take it and tried fighting, but to no avail failed. My father, sister, and I made a run for it. However, I heard my father scream. When one of the bandits came between my sister and I, we were separated. But now I am going back to the Traviler Inn where we had our things… Hopefully our things are still there and the dead are nowhere near.


When the Inn got caught just within my sight, I tripped over an odd wire. I made a pitiful faceplant onto the sizzling cement, but I quickly regained my balance. As I neared the Inn, I noticed it was barricaded and I could see people were here not too long ago. Were people still here? Am I not alone? Maybe Rhiannon made it here as well? But just as I asked myself that last question, I noticed how impossible that was. When she ran off, she ran off way down the road from here. There was no way she could’ve made it here without the bandits killing her. My mind and soul knew what probably happened to her, but my heart couldn’t agree. My heart still tried to fabricate any kind of story and excuse that would create her the chance of survival. However, all of this ended for nothing because I heard a scream a little down the road. I couldn’t quite recognize it since it was so faint, but I still tried to think it wasn’t her.


Suddenly, I heard shuffling coming from the Inn and turned to see a man with a hat

and mustache pointing a rifle at me. He gasped after he examined me with more detail.


“It’s… just a young girl?! What the hell?! You had me scared for nothing Doug!”


“I’m sorry… It is just hard to see nowadays with so much hunger, Kenny…”

“Just suck it up, will you? We’ll find food soon, but not with you having me almost shoot a young girl! You better pay a lot more attention, you hear?”


As soon as the chattering stopped, the man with the mustache came out and asked who I was and how I survived. I really was not in the mood for pointless chatter. So I only told him I had food.

“My name is not important… When I die, if you know my name, it will be a much sadder experience… I have food and supplies for you and your people if you need any… May I ask if any of my belongings are here? I was renting a room here until… Well, you know, THIS happened…” I tried to sound at least somewhat lifeful, but I could hear the dread and weariness in my voice.

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