RBTD (12) We're Almost There

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>>Hardening 12 (We’re Almost There)


Rhiannon was looking down where Duck and Kenny were, but I quickly pulled her away. Something was troubling her, but I didn’t want it to consume her.


As we made our way over town, I noticed we were heading toward the sea, not the country-side.


“Where are we going?” I asked.


“The Marsh House.” Lee coughed. “That is where the stranger is keeping her.”


The Marsh House, huh? It sounded like the name of a boat rental place… But Omid quickly told me it was a hotel.


We made it to the last house near the water, we had to cross over a sign that connected the two buildings. However, it looked very wobbly… I had a feeling not all of us were going to make it across…


Lee decided that everyone would go before he did since he was already bitten. We went from lightest to heaviest. Me, Rhiannon, Omid, Christa, Travis, then lastly Ben. When Ben got to the other side safely, the sign collapsed down. Lee looked down at the horde of walkers that came into Savannah from the train tracks. They all must’ve followed the train here… God… there was so many… The stench was awful…


“Fuck it.” Lee slid down the sign into the horde. “I’m already bitten, what does it matter at this point? Either way I am going to die.” He took out the hatchet from Crawford and started slicing through the walkers. “Get back to the train!”


“It is best we keep going…” Christa said. “If he survives, he and Clementine will go back to the train… So we better head there ourselves.”


As we made our way carefully over the roofs, I stumbled and landed my face. My nose was bleeding, and I couldn’t see well due to the other part of my glasses shattering. I decided to throw them away since all I could see now was a spider web. When I threw it off the roof, I noticed it had hit a walker right in the head.


I laughed at bit at its idiotic reaction, but Christa told me to hurry before it got dark. The sunset was so pretty. Despite all of the ugly monsters walking around in Savannah, the sunset was still pretty. No matter who died today, the sunset and sunrise would still be pretty, huh?


We finally made it to the part of the city where it reached the woods that led up to the train. As we got down, we realized that walkers were coming out of the nearby houses.

Rhiannon ran to the left, and Christa ran to the right. Who was I to follow? I grabbed onto Ben and ran over to my sister. Before I knew it, we were completely separated from Christa and Omid. What the fuck were we going to do… The only way to get to them was to go through the horde of walkers, which we couldn’t…


“Fuck…” Omid said while keeping his space away from the horde of walkers. “What are we going to do, Christa?!”


“Here!” Christa shouted, throwing Rhiannon the gun she had. “You’ll need that more than we do. We’ll hide and wait for Clementine. You guys…” She said looking down at the ground. “You guys go get somewhere safe until this clears. We’ll stay as long as we can. If by morning we aren’t here, just go!”

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