RBTD (10) Through the Little Sister's Eyes Again

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>>Hardening 10 (Through the Little Sister’s Eyes Again)


Once we made it back to the mansion with Brie and Vernon, I heard someone inside coughing. I sure hope it wasn’t that man or my sister…!


When we came in, we saw Molly looking through the cabinets and such. Looking for food I suppose. Lee didn’t even bother to ask what she was doing, but she stopped him.


“Do you have her?” Molly asked.


“Her? You mean Evelyn? She’s right--”


“No! HER!” Molly grabbed the pitch fork thing from Lee then went back to searching. Lee looked confused, but didn’t bother to ask.


The woman that was with the injured man came down and asked Lee who these people were. As they had a conversation I could care less about, I noticed Ben sitting on the chair next to the couch with a pained expression. I noticed his eyes were dull and he was coughing. Blood.


SHIT! I ran over to him and grabbed onto his arm. Did he… Did he get my illness too?! Vernon must’ve noticed me run, and came over to Ben and examined him. Vernon looked confused, but quickly was relieved by something.


“He’ll be just fine…” Vernon looked up at Ben since he was crouching on the floor. “Something may be stuck in his lungs, causing him to be exhausted and cough blood, but if you choke him, he’ll cough it up quickly and be fine in no time.”


Once he got done looking at Ben, he and Brie walked with the woman upstairs to where they had put the man at. I guess he was going to check on the man with the injured leg.


I looked over to Rhiannon. “You’ve had health class, right? With the CPR and such? Do you know how to choke someone?” My tone had a lot more childish intent that I had intended. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Rhiannon looked like she remembered something really funny. Probably her health book she had showed me with the funny representations or the videos she had to watch on CPR that had foolish actors.


“I do…” Rhiannon said looking at Ben, which met her gaze back with fear. I bet he didn’t want Rhiannon to do it, he’d rather a professional, but now there weren’t any professionals that weren’t busy. “Are you ready?”


“Uhhhm!” Ben exclaimed as he looked around noticing how awkward it would be if they did it in the open. “Is there a room or anything that we could do it in without an audience?”


“Ohhh~♥ I see how it is~” I chuckled childishly, only to meet a large flick in the forehead from Travis.


“This is serious.” He said flatly.


I guessed he was still mad I hadn’t shared anything with him. Once Rhiannon and Ben left, Travis sat down and looked at the floor. I sat next to him, but he didn’t look too happy.

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