RBTD (04) Can We Cure the Rotten?

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>>Hardening 04 (Can We Cure the Rotten?)

As I regained my thoughts, I realized I was in my room and the sun had set. How long had I been asleep for? I sat up and noticed I was still wheezing. My cold was still strong, but I could at least breathe. Then I heard voices outside.

“We had better go to the dairy… They’re taking an awful long time.” This voice belonged to the squinty eyed man, Doug.

“We should… But what about Raca? We cannot take her along. She is in no position to be moving. And since we have to take the forest to get there, we may run into walkers and have to run. When that happens, she’ll be eaten for sure. Someone’s gotta go, but someone’s gotta stay, okay?” This voice I recognized as Carley’s, the short brown haired woman who was good with a gun.

“Ben and I will stay here.” I heard Travis announce. “It may be dangerous at night, but I can wield a gun if I have to.”

“That does sound good.” Doug chuckled. “I can’t hold a gun to save my life, huh? If Carley and I go to the dairy to get them, do you think you could hold off until we come back? But if we DON’T come back by sunrise… You may be on your own, okay?”

There was a little bit of silence until Carley spoke up. “I doubt that will happen, but it is always a possibility. I advise you to keep watch, but don’t be loud. If anyone comes by, do not answer. Unless it is us, don’t let anyone in, you got it?”

There was another short interlude of silence. “Good.” I heard Carley say. “Doug, let’s go before something horrible happens.” As I heard the barrier creak when they left, footsteps were approached my room. I knew it was Travis and Ben, but I didn’t want them to know I was awake yet, so I quickly pretended to be asleep as they opened my door.

“I’m guessing she is still asleep?” I heard Ben say awkwardly. “Is.. Is she alive?”

“Of course she’s alive!” Travis shouted. “There is no way she died!”

Despite wanting to stay asleep, hearing their odd bickering was starting to irk me. So I drowsily sat up and asked them what was going on.

“Well…” Ben explained. “Doug and Carley returned with food. Lee and the others stayed at the dairy. Once Lilly heard the dairy was safe, everyone left besides me, Travis, Doug, and Carley. Well, more liked Lilly ordered that we stay here and they return. But once it got dark, we knew something was wrong, so Doug and Carley decided to go get them. But if something goes wrong and they can’t help… No one will come back and it’ll just be us… Again.”

“Shut up, Ben!” Travis shouted once more. “Don’t talk like that! They WILL come back!”

Just as they began to awkwardly fight once more, I heard the bells chime. Were they back already? Or was it a walker? Or…?

We all made our way to the clearing quietly and Travis peered over. As he did, I heard a young boy’s voice.

“Is anybody here…? I really need your help! I am lost and my papa and my mama were taken by the rotten. I somehow got away way, but I need for you to get them back before they go rotten too. But I am sick and I am rotting. Can you cure the rotting?”

Travis looked at us with a pained expression. “He’s bitten.”

I looked over and saw the young boy looking at our barricade. He looked no more than five or six years old. I saw the bite run along his arm and that his skin was turning a greenish colour. Losing the pigment it once had. It was true, the young boy couldn’t be saved. It pained me to know that such a young child had to endure this…

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