|| Chapter One ||

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"Will!..Willl" Joyce called, she never took a eye off of him..after..the incident.

"Will honey come on it's time to get up." She said one last time.

"Okay mom.." Will groan

He got ready, ate breakfast Johnathan made and got into Joyce's car. 

He hated how he wasn't allowed to bike to school and back..things were a lot different when Will got back...really different.

"Okay sweetie have a good day at school, remember -"

"I know mom no biking home and if you're late go home with Mike." Will interrupted his mom, not being rude of course.

She smiled, as Will walked to Mike. 

"Hey Mike" Will said smiling.

"Hey Will." Mike said back.

Will's POV

Mike has never been the same since Eleven left, but I don't think anyone has been the same after everything that happened. Except for Dustin, he's always tried to be happy and make everything better. Sometimes it fails, but sometimes he accedes.I still wonder why Mike cared about her a lot, I'm not jealous of course..I don't think, it's just he's so..well..not him.

"Mike..why aren't you happy?" I asked him.

"I am." He lied.

"Mike..Friends don't lie." I said, since Mike always told him that.

"Fine..I miss..her" Mike said.

I knew he would say that, so I don't even know why I would ask.

"Of course..sorry I asked." I said quietly. Am I really getting jealous?

"Will? What's wrong?" Mike asked.

"I'm just confused..I wish everything was back to normal." I said..in a kind of demanding voice.

"I do too Will..I do too" Mike said looking at me.

"When Eleven was here?" I asked

"No. I wish none of it happened. I wish I never met Eleven." He said with anger.

"Because when she left, I was - am depressed. And when Eleven was here...you weren't." Mike said.

"And a simple crush is not as worth it's weight in gold as a best friend." Mike finished.

I smiled and blushed a little.

"Hey Will, Hey mike" Dustin and Lucas said as they rode their bikes in.

"What took you two so long?" I asked.

"Traffic." Dustin lied.

"No. Dustin was stalking this new girl." Lucas said rolling his eyes.

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