|| Chapter 7 ||

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Oh so I need Ideas


"Why couldn't we just walk to a restaurant?" Mike asked.

"Because then we would be lost. And be Missing, Mike do you remember what happened when I went missing last time?" Will said.

"...Well....I just wanted food." Mike said, pouting.

"And I just wanted to get home, but instead I ended up in another dimension." Will added.

"Plus, there's food here." Will said as he went looking for snacks.

"Hey wasn't your mom sick?" Mike asked as he was looking around.

"Yeah, but she could've felt better..or got bored. Or both" Will answered as he was still looking for snacks.

Mike looked out the window.

"Um Will" Mike said.


"THERE'S A HOUR UNTIL SCHOOL'S OUT" Mike said panicking.

"umm okay we need to go to school and then just wait until my mom picks me up." Will said.

"Come on come on come on" Mike said as he grabbed Will's hand and rushed him.

Will's heart fluttered.

"Move your feet Will I can't DRAG you there!" Mike said, still panicking.

"Oh-I- Sorry" Will said snapping back in reality.

"o-oh my god." Mike said panting.

"We made it" Will added.

The bell rang.

The doors spilled out with kids.

"Well hello." Dustin said crossing his arms.

"Where the hell were you?!" Dustin asked.

"We took a...uh..break" Mike said being a awful lair.

"Is that Steve Harrington?" Lucas said looking over Mike's shoulder.

"Yeah" Dustin answered.

"Come on Dustin." Steve said.

"What?" Lucas said.

"See ya"

"See ya?" the three said with confusion.

"So when did Steve and Dustin become friends?" Will asked.

"More like his mom." Lucas said.

"There's Max" Mike said.

"Yeah she was gone during science, then she was back before lunch." Lucas said.

"So where were you two?" Lucas asked.

"We already told you" Mike said.

"Well...okay" Lucas said.

Lucas then walked away, of course following Max.

"There's your mom" Mike said.

Will waved.

"Bye Mike" 

"Bye Will"

Will walked up to his mom's 1976 ford pinto.

"Hello sweetie" Joyce said.

"Hey mom" 


 Wow this chapter is shorter than my Relationships.

Hope you guys had a great Christmas! 

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